Twenty Two

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Maeve scribbled about in her notebook, humming a song to herself as she slightly swayed her head to the beat of the music that played in her ears. Hailee just finished taking a shower, she stepped out of the bathroom with her towel wrapped around her.

She slipped on some boxers and a sports bra before plopping down in bed beside her girlfriend. Maeve groaned playfully when Hailee's wet hair flicked water at her.

"Towel." Maeve demanded as she snapped her fingers. Hailee smirked as she playfully rolled her eyes, standing from the bed dramatically.

"Yes, my queen." She joked and Maeve smiled with a small blush on her face. Hailee used the towel to dry her hair. When she finished she took her place back beside the Dawson girl. "So, whatcha workin' on?"

Maeve quickly shut her notebook, looking at Hailee who raised a brow suspiciously. "Nothing." Maeve rushed out as she scrambled to shove the notebook in the drawer beside her side of the bed.

"Didn't look like nothing..." Hailee trailed off confused and suspicious as she eyed her girlfriend who waved off her words.

"Don't worry about it." Maeve played it cool, patting Hailee's smooth chest before pushing the older girl away slightly to stand up. "I'm going to shower now so I'll be back out in a bit." Hailee nodded at the younger girl's words, watching her disappear into the bathroom, the door shutting behind her.

Hailee wasn't one to invade privacy but the way that Maeve shut that notebook had her curious. She didn't want it to be bad, but how will she ever find out? Maeve certainly doesn't want to tell her.

The Steinfeld girl ignored the voice in her head as she opened the drawer, grabbing the notebook. She began to flip through the pages of it, her eyes seeing some random doodles placed all over random spots of random pages.

One thing did catch her eye.

A poem.

"Love Me?" Hailee questioned quietly in a whisper to herself as she began to read the poem that was written by Maeve.

Love me
Love me with all your might
Please treat me right
Love me
Love me until your last breath
Promise me we'll be together till death
Love me
Love me when I can't love myself
Hold me tighter than anybody else
Love me.

Hailee slowly began to smile as she read Maeve's elegant use of words. It was a beautiful poem, she didn't know why Maeve wanted to hide it from her.

"Hey babe did you-" Maeve cut herself off as she slipped her shirt on, exiting the bathroom to see Hailee reading her notebook. "I'm going to kill you, Steinfeld."

She began to storm towards her but what Hailee said stopped her, "This is an amazing poem, why are you trying to hide it?" Hailee rose or high up in the hair, using her height to her advantage as she kept it out of Maeve's reach.

"It's not amazing." Maeve grumbled as crossed her arms, annoyed. "It's stupid and garbage."

"Who's it about?" Hailee asked.

"It doesn't matter. It's garbage and-"

"Who is it about?" Hailee pushed again which made Maeve sigh. Maeve looked at her longingly for a moment before closing her eyes for a moment, soon speaking.

"You." Maeve finally confessed. Hailee smiled, slowly lowering the notebook to gently place it in her girlfriend's hands.

"I love it." Hailee whispered as she took a step closer to the shorter girl, Maeve looking up at her with confusion. "It has to be the best poem I've ever read." She complimented, taking her hands in hers as Maeve blushed from her words.

"You think so?" Maeve asked shyly.

Hailee shook her head, brushing back a loose strand of Maeve's hair. "No. I know so."

Maeve smiled as she couldn't contain how red and hot her cheeks were becoming. "You're such a sweetheart." She mumbled incoherently as Hailee chuckled when her girlfriend shoved her face in her chest, hugging her torso tightly.

Hailee wrapped her arms around Maeve's shoulders, pulling the girl closer to her. "Only for you, my love."

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