「🌙」𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨; 𝘵𝘦𝘯

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𝙨𝙚𝙤𝙪𝙡, 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙝 𝙠𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙖

minho had gotten better; training with hyunjin had definitely paid off, anyone could tell.
chris was satisfied that minho no longer flinched when he was near.

it'd only been two weeks and minho's muscles had already begun to develop.
with his regular work outs with changbin and training twice a day with hyunjin it was only a matter of time.
felix had beem the one to point it out, being even more touchy than before.

felix had begun watching hyunjin and minho train; he been worried at first with how rough hyunjin was being, especially when they'd begun using knives.
but with minho progressively getting better, his worries dissipate.

you've gotten better.
hyunjin praises with a light chuckle.
now i'm the one walking out with bruises.
he adds, patching up deep cut on his cheek.
it's only because you were so strict.
minho interjects while felix puts ointment of minho's bruising lip; his eyes flicker to the fading bruise on his throat the first day hyunjin had begun to train with knives, he'd nearly given felix a panic attack.

you deserve it.
felix mutters; he will forever be upset with hyunjin after minho had told him what happened that first day.
chris wants to see you two by the way.
he adds on.

the three males exit the combat room; hyunjin is quick to attach himself to minho's side before felix tries to take him away.

they make their way to the third floor, stopping a the intimidating doors that minho's become more familar with than he wanted to.

hyunjin knocks twice, waiting for a verbal response before opening the door.
the three males enter the room together even though chris hadn't requested to see him.

felix doesn't think it matters too much seeing that everyone else is there, comfortably lounging around the seating area.

hyunjin guides minho towards a free cushion on the black sofa, sitting him on his lap; felix goes to sit next to chris.

listen up!
chris exclaims, gaining everyone's attention, side conversations coming to a cease.
we have one week left until we it's time to execute our mission.
he starts, everyone's attention on him.
everyone has to do their part in order for this to go smoothly.

jisung, your role is the most vital; you have to prepared for all obstacles.
chris turns to the younger male, an obvious displeased expression twisted on his face.
minho, your role is the second most crucial; your seductive ways will be what gets us inside.
he adds, his attention now on an irritated minho.
he's lost count of how many times he's had to correct chris that he didn't seduce anyone; that guy was just an idiot.

now, it has also been brought to my attention, very inssesantly i might add, that minho needs new clothes.
chris sighs, his gaze drifting between both felix and hyunjin.
so, who wants to take him shopping?
he asks and almost immediately, jisung raises his hand followed shortly by changbin and felix; hyunjin distracted by minho in his lap, seungmin and jeongin don't seem to care.

𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴; 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙉Where stories live. Discover now