chapter one

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If you've ever fallen in love with someone you will understand my love story. It was real and genuine.

We were both 16 when we met each other. We went to the same schools ever since elementary school but we never got to fully know each other up until junior year of high school.

He was a 'bad influence'. That's what everyone around me would say. They thought it was odd for me and him to have a friendship considering he was known as a bad boy around the school and I was known for always being good at everything I did.

When my parents found out about me and him having a friendship they tried prohibiting me from ever talking to him. They went as far as grounding me and taking my phone away for an entire week so I wouldn't contact him.

But something inside of me just didn't want to stop talking to him. Because everytime I was with him I felt free and like a completely different person.

Maybe he was a bad influence or whatever. But I was happy doing the things we did.

It started in junior year, homeroom class.

I hurried into homeroom class. It was the first day back to school from summer vacations and I was not about to be late on my first day. It's not because I didn't want to be late, I just didn't want to hear my parents scolding when I got home.

I went inside and to my surprise I didn't know anyone. Great.

My mood immediately dropped and I quietly went to the back corner of the room to sit down.

Thankfully I wasn't the only loner. The majority of the class seemed to be minding their business as they didn't know each other as well. Only two pairs were engaged in a conversation probably catching up.

My eyes roamed around the class trying to see who were the people in my homeroom. The teacher was standing outside the door greeting her students.

Once the bell rang she walked inside and shut her door with a smile on her face. She seemed young and professional.

"Hi class from the looks of it it seems that not many of you are familiar with each other. Why don't we quickly introduce ourselves?" She asked and a lot of people started groaning.

Why don't teachers understand a lot of us don't care enough to know each other.

Just as the first student was done introducing himself a knock on the door was heard and the teacher walked over to open her door.

"You're late Lorenzo." She shook her head at the sight of whoever was standing outside waiting to be let inside. "We talked about this last year before summer started. I won't be excusing your tardiness only because im your sister in law. Come inside."

"Calm down my car wasn't working this morning so father had to take it to the shop and I was driven here by his men." He casually said out loud as if no one was in the room listening to him.

I stared from the back and realized how put together he seemed. His hair was healthy and fluffy and it went well with his features. His uniform fitted him perfectly as well.

Lorenzo was of course no one new to me. We've known about each others existence ever since we were little kids because we've attended the same schools all the time.

Our parents knew each other as well so I'd see him at business parties here and there but we never once exchanged words. We just knew about each other is all.

As he turned to find a seat our gazes met and he softly smiled before taking a seat a few rows away from mine in the back as well.

It surprised me to see that he acknowledged me considering his bad boy reputation he's earned in school. Everyone that's not his friend will get rude and sarcastic behavior from him. We weren't friends but he never once made fun of me or talked bad about me.

Soul Ties | Lorenzo ZurzoloWhere stories live. Discover now