I saw you in my dreams tonight

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Hi, I'm back with a short fic! This one is inspired by a scene I remember from a Polish tv show "Prosto w serce" which was based on Argentinian telenovela "Sos mi vida". I like to think that Ilgaz's dreams in this fic is just Ilgaz's subconscious that tries to show him what he really wants, or rather who. Big thanks to everyone for reading and commenting my fics - you have no idea how much your words mean to me, they always make my day! Thank you all so much and enjoy the story!


After a long day at work, Ilgaz enters his apartment and after taking off his coat and shoes he heads straight to his living room, eager to have some beer and relax while watching a football match on tv. But... something feels wrong. He first senses, rather than actually sees, that he's not alone in his apartment. He turns out to be right because when he steps into the living room he sees a woman who is standing with her back turned towards him. Even without seeing her face he can say she's beautiful with her dark hair and feminine curves. His hands are itching to run them through her hair to check if they're as soft as they look or to place them on her waist, which looks like it was made to accommodate his touch. Ilgaz frowns heavily at his inappropriate thoughts towards a woman he doesn't know and doesn't even know the reason why she's in his apartment. And more importantly – how did she even get inside? He was sure the doors were locked when he was opening them moments before.

"Excuse me, who are you and what are you doing here?" Ilgaz asks. In a few determined steps he closes the distance that separates him from the woman, but she didn't answer him nor turned towards him. He stops only when he's directly behind her and his nose is hit with her enchanting smell. The scent is addicting, and he has trouble concentrating because of it, but he's fairly sure he smelled it before. Who is this woman? His whole being was desperate to find the answer to that question. Especially his brain that was still alarmed at how easy the intruder broke into his home. Does she want to hurt him? She doesn't look so, she would attack him by now if she wanted to. So why is she here?

Ilgaz is so confused by all this situation, all his questions, and most importantly by his body's strong and improper reaction. When the silence starts to stretch and the woman still is silent, he asks again, his irritation growing at the knowledge of how little in control he feels. "Hey, did you hear me? How did you get here? Who are you?" Ilgaz asks and lifts his hand, intending to grab the woman by the shoulder and make her turn around but before he can touch her, everything turns black and he wakes up. His heart hammers loudly in his chest as he sits up, his hand automatically reaching for the glass of water that's always on his nightstand. He gulps down the water, the coolness of it calming him down a bit.

"That was some weird dream," Ilgaz thinks and puts down his now empty glass. He usually doesn't remember his dreams or doesn't think too much about those he remembers. But this one was different. It was an intense one that made an emotional impact on his whole being. If he was superstitious, he would say that this dream means something. But he doesn't believe in such things. With a sigh he lays his head back down on the pillow and tries to go back to sleep, refusing to think more about that dream. Thinking about dreams and the mysterious woman won't do him any good. Instead, he should get as much rest as possible so he can give his best as a Prosecutor tomorrow.


Unfortunately, as much as he wanted to forget about that dream, the dream didn't want to forget about him. Throughout a few months the dream kept haunting him with increasing frequency. It was always the same dream, always the same beautiful, mysterious woman, although sometimes the details of the dream, for example location, changed. It kept bothering him so much that he couldn't help but wonder who this woman was. At the same time he knew he met her before, if only he could see her face, he would surely recognize her. But he never got the chance to see her face, although a few times she was almost turning towards him, but every time he kept waking up before she could fully face him.

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