Chapter 27

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*1 month later *

I sighed heavily and leaned against Andy's shoulder. We were in the waiting room at the doctors office to get my stitches out.  

"This is taking forevvveerrrrr." I groaned. He was scrolling through twitter on his phone.

"I know." He sighed, looking up at me. 

"I wanna go back to the bus and sleep." I whined.  He was the only one willing to get up early and take me. 

"Phoenix Tredway?" A little blonde nurse said, poking her head into the waiting room. I sighed quietly and stood up, I grabbed Andy's hand and dragged him along with me.  She led us to a small sterile looking room with one of those doctor cot things. I jumped onto it and Andy sat in the chair next to it. 

"Look up for me sweet heart." I looked up and she prodded the line of stitches on my neck. "It sure looks like they're ready to come out. I'm glad they didn't get to infected, that wouldn't be to good. The doctor will be in here in a few minutes." She said, giving me a small smile and walked out. I sighed and jumped off the cot.


"Was up?" 

"How bad do you think the scar is gonna be?" I asked. He sighed heavily before answering me.

"Don't worry about it Phoenix." I rolled my eyes and jumped back onto the cot. 

"Why shouldn't I?" We've been having this agrument a lot lately.

"Because it doesn't matter."

"ANNNDDDYY." I groaned. He says that EVERY time. He just shrugged and looked back at his phone. A couple minutes later the doctor walked in. He had gray thinning hair and a worn smile.

"Hello there Ms. Tredway." 

"Was up."I said waving. We kept up small talk as he got his "instruments" out.

"Can you lay down for me?" I layed back, Andy was standing above me, looking at what the doctor was doing. I pouted and held my hand out towards him. He chuckled and hald it with both of his. I tryed not to focus on the tugging and pulling that was going on on my throat and just talked to Andy. It hurt, but not enough for me to complain about it. "Alllright, I think we're done here." The doctor said, giving me a tired smile . I smiled back at him and sat up.

"Thanks." He nodded and led us out of the room. I  skipped out of the doctor's office with a lolipop that I begged the nurse for. Andy rolled his eyes and we got on the bus. Yeah. We parked the tour bus in the tiny parking lot . Everybody was still asleep. Andy was on our bus because, I didn't want to go to the doctors by myself and nobody else in his or my band would do it. 

"SHOTS SHOT SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS." I yelled, walking to the kitchen area.

"Phoenix it's 9 am." Andy chuckled

"DO NOT CARE. DRINKING ALCOHOL." I yelled. A muffled shut up came from the bunks. I poured my drink and sat on the couch. The driver got on andthe bus started moving. I yawned and turned on batman. Andy sat next to me and we spent 4 hours watching batman and drinking, well I was drinking. I was pretty drunk when we got to the venue, good thing we don't play today.

"That's enough for you kid." Andy chuckled as I whined like a toddler when he took the bottle of whiskey away from me. 

"Anddddyyyyyy. thattttt'sss miiiinnnnne." I pouted. He rolled his eyes and put it back in the fridge. I shrugged and walked off the bus, we were the last ones to get to the venue. I walked around aimlessly intill I found the Of Mice and Men bus. I walked on and saw a tired looking Tino on the couch.

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