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When I wake up, the train is almost at Hogwarts. During my nap, I had fallen onto Draco. I blushed and wipe away a slight string of drool. I stand up and grab my purse and Silver's basket. I follow the other eighth years out of the compartment. 'Hello there,' Luna says softly, startling me. For an 18 year old, she is quite small. As if reading my thoughts, she explains. "I'm not actually 18, but after the war, me, Ginny and a couple of the others got moved up a year." I nod and am about to speak when a girl with bright red hair links onto Luna's arm. "I see you've met our resident Loony." she says laughing. I laugh and introduce myself. Her name is Ginny, I remember as I shake her hand. As I hop off the train, I am surprised to see carriages pulled by strange skeletal black horses. Luna and Ginny come over and stroke them. "We can see them too, you're just as sane as we are!" they say in chorus and burst out laughing. "You can see them when you've watched someone die," Harry says at my left elbow making me jump, "Who was yours?" I gulp. "My mother killed a death eater who followed us once." I explain. "Oh." he says. He smiles and jumps into a carriage. Pansy pulls me into the one the Slytherins have occupied and I sit down. I check Silver is okay and Pansy leans over to look in his basket. "Can I please hol him or her?" she asks and I nod. "His name is Silver,"I explain, handing him over. She strokes him and talks to him. It's adorable to watch.

Eventually, we pull up to the school and we all get out of the carriage. 'Hello, hello eighth years.' says someone who must be Professor Mc Gonagall. We all walk towards her through the crowds. 'Follow me to your dorms.' she says and briskly walks away. As I follow, I gaze up at the huge castle. We walk through the entrance hall and up a flight of stairs to a blank wall. 'Petricicus Totalus.' A door appears in the wall which she opens.

Two updates in one day! I've got about 6 chapters written so you'll be getting those soon, hope you enjoyed, comment down below what you thought xx

𝓗𝓲𝓼 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 a Mattheo Riddle x O.C 8th YearWhere stories live. Discover now