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HOGSMEADE CAME QUICKLY, and Cassie couldn't be bothered to go

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HOGSMEADE CAME QUICKLY, and Cassie couldn't be bothered to go. She was too tired, and besides, she has hardly spoken to Rowan so she decided to go spend some time with him... Maybe even convince him Sirius Black was innocent.

So, in the library, was the two Smith's, Rowan was reading a book and Cassie was trying to write a reply to Sirius' letter.

Rowan was confused. He knew something was up with Cassie. She seemed more on edge as she bounced her leg up and down and played with the quill nervously.

"Okay, what is it?" Rowan asked, breaking the silence and making his sister look at him. "You wouldn't miss Hogsmeade for any reason, other than keeping Harry company — but I know for a fact he's been sneaking into Hogsmeade. So why did you really stay in the castle?"

Cassie looked at Rowan, eyes wide. "Uh, to see my favourite brother?" She offered, but seeing the look on his face, she groaned. "I hate that you're a Ravenclaw... You're too smart. You cannot repeat anything I say, or I will get Callie to kill you."

Rowan nodded, "Okay, what is it?" His eyes widened, "You're not pregnant, are you?"

"Wh — What?" Cassie said, blinking at him. "No, I haven't even had my first kiss yet, nevermind a first shag."

"Oh," Rowan muttered, "I really thought you and Harry had — Well, Callie told me you and Harry had —"

"What?" Cassie interrupted, eyes wide. She pursed her lips, "Well, we haven't; We're not even together."

Rowan sighed, "If it's not that, then what is it?"

"You mustn't get mad, or annoyed, or whatever, okay?" Cassie told him, "Last time I said this, I got called crazy..." And so, she told him everything. She told him the memories from when she was a baby, the meetings with Dumbledore, her conversation with Sirius Black, and about the letter, too. "He's been staying with mum, which must mean he's innocent if she's letting him around Forrest."

Rowan sighed, rubbing his temples. "I can see why you got called crazy," he muttered, everything she had told him spiralling in his head.

Cassie frowned; Her heart felt heavy, and tears sprung to her eyes. "You don't — You don't believe me, do you?"

"I never said that!" Rowan exclaimed, before lowering his voice again. "Cass, I do believe you, your story makes sense. "But, why are you only now telling us the truth? And when can I meet him?"

Cassie shrugged, "I don't know," she answered, "I'm just... Scared. I'm a seer, Row. I don't know which of my nightmares are actually going to happen, and which are just actual dreams. I've already seen potential deaths, but I'm not allowed to say anything about them because if it is the future, telling people will change the outcome and the outcome will be worse!"

Rowan frowned. He could tell how stressed his sister was becoming. These nightmares were becoming too much for her, and it was obvious. He watched as she began to scribble down words onto a piece of parchment; She was replying to Sirius Black's letter.

Dear Padfoot,

I really do believe you — I have been saying it since day one. I told Harry my theory during Christmas half term, and he just called me crazy, and I never said anything to anyone since. Well, apart from Dumbledore, which is when I found out I was right, and that I was a seer and your guardian angel.

Sometimes I do wonder who else I'm the guardian angel of, but it's never my main concern. My main concern has always been you.

I told Rowan everything and luckily, he believes me. The others are going to be harder to convince, Rowan is just the smart one. Hence why he's Ravenclaw. He really wants to meet you, maybe on the next full moon you could swing by in dog form?

I'm an animagus too, mine is a gazelle. Me and my sisters became one to help Rowan during full moons when dad left.

ALSO, Harry is going to need to know the truth because as of right now, he wants to kill you with his bare hands. However, I won't be able to convince him you're innocent, we might need all the proof imaginable — such as, Scabbers.

If you could get Crookshanks to find the rat, I would be so grateful... Maybe I could kill him myself? I wouldn't get done for murder, because everyone else would see it as a rat, and I could just say I didn't know it was an animagus!

I just really want to hurt it.

I hope mum and Forrest are okay, I wish I could've come home for Christmas, it would've been nice to actually talk to you.

I'll let you know how convincing Callie, Aurora, and the others go. I won't bother with Azalea, her head is too far up her ass at the moment.

Your precious angel x

Once Cassie finished the letter, she placed it into an envelope and rushed up to the owlery, where she saw her favourite owl, Pebbles. Smiling softly at the animal, she handed him a treat before giving him the letter.

Watching him fly off, she turned back around and headed towards the Gryffindor Common Room, where she saw Harry and Ron walking towards.

She rushed towards them, smiling as she jumped onto Ron's back and ruffled Harry's hair. "How was Hogsmeade?" She asked them.

"It was alright," Harry said, he wished she went with them. It would've been much better then. "What did you do?"

"I stayed with Rowan, duh!" Cassie said, "It was nice to have a catch up with him for once."

As they neared the entrance, they saw Hermione and Callie standing there.

"Come to have a good gloat?" said Ron towards Hermione as his eyes were narrowed. "Or have you just been to tell on us?"

"No," said Hermione. She was holding a letter in her hands and her lip was trembling. Cassie immediately jumped off Ron's back and rushed towards her. Callie, too, looked like she was on the verge of breaking down. "I just thought you ought to know... Hagrid lost his case. Buckbeak is going to be executed."

A/N: Tbh, I've definitely written better chapters than this! But Rowan now knows the truth. Anyway, I will keep nagging you to check out my George fic. Her name is Cerise Diggory, it's kind of an enemies to lovers???? Well, it's friends to enemies to lovers, kinda... Cerise is genuinely the opposite of Cassie, too.
QOTD: if you could be any celebrity for a day, who would you be and what would you do?
AOTD: i would probably be like millie bobby brown or lili reinhart, and I would shout out every single one of my socials!

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