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 AFTER THE DIVINATION EXAM, Cassie found herself wandering the halls of Hogwarts, her smile permanent on her face

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AFTER THE DIVINATION EXAM, Cassie found herself wandering the halls of Hogwarts, her smile permanent on her face. She knew she had done a great job in the exams; The hat had a huge stall when it came to sorting her.

She remembered the words as clear as day...

Her intelligence was beyond any other the hat had seen before, and her intuition and creativity was better than most.

She was incredibly ambitious; She hardly gave up on what she wanted, she only gave up a few times. She was incredibly determined.

She was incredibly brave and courageous — She remembered her reaction to when the hat had told her that, she was beyond shocked. That was the old Cassie, she remembered thinking to herself, That's not me now.

And then there was the loyalty. She was too loyal. She put everyone else's needs before her own, she was way too forgiving.

The hat was going to put her in either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor — It was leaning more towards Ravenclaw, but she begged to be placed into Hufflepuff. She wanted to be in the same house as her mum.

So, the hat done as asked. She was placed into Hufflepuff, and as much as Cassie regretted nagging it, she wouldn't have it any other way.

Being in Hufflepuff was the reason she became best friend's with Cedric; He showed her around, he kept her company, he stayed by her side when she scared off Hannah and Susan — which she felt bad about.

But, she was friends with them and Megan and Dahlia now — which is where she was headed. She saw them sat in the corner, laughing with each other. Millie was in Megan's arms, and Cassie felt like she hadn't seen her cat in ages — she saw her just last night.

Millie, spotting her, ran towards her on all fours before jumping into her arms and purring. Cassie grinned, approaching her friends and taking a seat. "How are the exams going?" She asked them.

"I think I failed Divination," Megan stated, "I made up shit — told her I saw a dancing chicken with no head."

Cassie snickered, "Yeah," she said, "I can see why you would've failed — Could've at least said something believable."

"This is a magical world we're talking about, Cassie," Megan said, "Anything is believable — You could tell me there's an actual lycanthrope among us and I'd believe you."

Cassie pursed her lips... There was two actual lycanthropes among them.

"Well, that's fair," Cassie replied, "Han? What about your exams? Do you think you've failed any?"

"Without a doubt — Potions," Hannah answered, "Who is actually passing Potions though, he cannot teach to save his life... He's just a cunt."

The girls all murmured their agreements. "Dahlia is definitely failing Defense, aren't you?" Hannah said, smirking in the girl's direction.

"What?" Cassie said, "How can someone fail Defense? That's like one of the easiest subjects!"

Dahlia snorted, "Not as easy as Divination..." She sent a pointed look in Megan's direction. Megan pouted as she folded her arms. "And not as easy as Herbology."

Cassie looked at Susan, her eyes wide. "Really?" She said, "Herbology? That's piss easy. Do none of you pay attention in your lessons?"

The four girls exchanged glances, before giving Cassie a shrug. "You're gonna need to start — OWLS are just as important as NEWTS."

"Calm down," Susan laughed, "We have plenty of time, stop stressing."

Just then, Cedric walked past. "How are the exams going?" He asked them, taking Millie into his own hands.

All five girls burst out into exclaims, telling him exactly how the exams were going. "So," Cedric said, "What I'm hearing here is that... Cassie is the smartest one out of you all? I find that hard to believe."

"OI!" Cassie exclaimed, "The hat contemplated placing me into Ravenclaw and Gryffindor — I nagged it to be a Hufflepuff."

"You can do that?" Megan asked, eyes wide. "Damn, I should've asked to be a Slytherin — I'd be closer to Malfoy, and then I could punch him right in his throat."

"Just do that anyway," Dahlia said, "I would if I ever get close enough, the grease and oil in his hair is too shiny, though, so I'm scared I'd turn blind and end up like Potter — Sorry, Cass, I keep forgetting he's your boyfriend."

"Yeah," Cassie chuckled. "Everyone else does, too!"

"How exactly did you and Potter start talking?" Hannah asked, "Because you went from only talking to Cedric, to talking to half of the bloody school."

"I started to hang out with Callie," Cassie said, "I became friends with Hermione, Ron and Harry then."

"They're good for you," Cedric commented, smiling slightly when he saw the look on Cassie's face. "Look at you now that you're close friends with them — You're a lot more out of your shell now, and it's a good thing."

"And how did you and Harry start dating?" Susan wondered as Millie jumped back into Cassie's lap. "Because that is something that I've always wondered since we all found out — Your relationship sort of came from nowhere."

This is something Cassie had never thought of, so she said the first thing that came to mind, "A prank on the others," and then, her eyes widened, "And now we're like so in love."

They couldn't hear her sarcasm, because they were too busy watching Harry rush past. "There's your lover boy," Megan said, taking Millie, "He's waiting for you."

Sure enough, Harry had spotted her and was waiting by the stairs for her. Smiling to herself, she said her goodbyes, and rushed up to Harry. "How was Divination?"

"That's what I need to tell you a — why are your friends staring at us with smirking faces, while giggling?"

Cassie looked back, flipped them off, and turned back to Harry. "Oh, they're not looking at us — You're being delusional."

"They're still looki —"

"Come on," Cassie interrupted, "The quicker we get to the others, the quicker you get to tell us what happened in your exam."

A/N: This chapter was very cute. The Hufflepuff girls are so iconic — even if they're hardly seen in this fic lol. They will definitely be in it more from next year onwards.
QOTD: i know you haven't seen them much, but which hufflepuff girl is your favourite?
AOTD: i love dahlia and megan a lot, they might be my joint favourites atm!

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