episode 7

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"so this is where our journey stops" Nick says with a smile as they stop at Nick's apartment complex.

"I had fun today, we should hang out more often!" Nick said turning to Boston, whose eyes were already on him. "We really should." Boston replied, staring at the boy in front of him. Nick showed him a smile as a gentle wind passes by the young men.

"You're hair is all messed up" Nick said with a slight frown as he took one step closer to Boston. He let his hand comb Boston's hair as it was all over the place because of the wind. Boston, who was a bit startled at the sudden contact, could do nothing but stare at other male, as his fingers run through his hair.

The way nick had a slight pout on his lips. The way his pupils dilated whenever he looked at him. The way few strands of his hair would fall perfectly on his face, highlighting his beauty. The way he felt so unreal to him.The way Boston would have a stupid smile whenever he said the lamest joke. The way even after years, his heart felt the same spark It did before.

Nick's hands felt cold, but somewhat soft. His nose had slight reddish tint to it due to the cold, cute. His eyes shined, even in the darkest of nights.
Even in the midst of the dark, cold winter night, Nick still looked as mesmerizing as he did when they first met, if not more. 

If only Boston could go back in time and fix his mistakes. If only he could go back in time and not take his love for granted. If only he realized sooner that the boy he bruised was a work of art.

Once Nick retracted his hand from ton's hair, He gave him a small smile. "Well, I should get going then, Text me when you get home!" Nick said, receiving a nod. Nick walked towards the gate of his apartment complex, He waved his hand at Boston before walking into the apartment building.

As Boston saw Nick disappear, He felt a warm and fuzzy feeling inside his heart, which he hasn't felt in a while. With a smile, He started walking towards his condo.

Maybe fate won't be so cruel to him this time.


*Beep* "going up"

With a smile, nick stepped inside the apartment elevator. He too felt a warm and fuzzy feeling inside his heart. It felt as if the whole day passed by in the blink of an eye. Maybe it was cold weather that made his face feel hot whenever he was around him. Maybe it was the way he felt so comfortable when with him. Maybe it was the way Boston changed so much. Maybe it was the small part of his heart that longed for him since day one.

Nick really never hated Boston. Even after all the things Boston put him through, He's gotten over it. During the last few weeks they had gotten to catch up with each other, he really does feel like he has changed for the better.  Good for him

*Ding* "6th floor"

Nick got out of the elevator and made his way towards his apartment. He expected Dan to be home by this time as it was pretty late and he usually arrives home at this hour.

Nick ringed the door a few times, only to no avail. A slight frown appeared on his face. He took out the extra key in his always carried in his pocket. He unlocked the door with the extra key, only to be greeted by an empty presence. The apartment looked just like how it did before he left, as if it was almost untouched.

He closed the door behind him and hanged his coat on the coat hanger. He took his phone out of his pocket, only to see no new messages from Dan. Now, Nick really doesn't want to seem like the 'clingy and overprotective boyfriend'  but he can't help but feel suspicious.

In the end, his curiosity won and he decided to give Dan a call as he wasn't feeling good about this. After a few rings, he heard Dan's voice on the other side. "Hello?" Dan said, as if he doesn't know his boyfriend is on the other line. "Dan! Where are you?!" Nick replied in a frustrated tone. "Oh, sorry baby, I'll come home a bit late today" Dan said in an "apologetic" tone.

"Hey I'll call you back later okay?" Dan said from the other line. "No wait-" before Nick could even finish his sentence, the call was cut. He really doesn't know what has been going on with Dan recently. He come home late at night and then leave early in the morning. Now, Nick understands that work is important, but isn't he important too?

He let out a sigh as he looked around the empty home. Who knows when Dan will be back this time. Nick took a shower and changed his clothes before doing his night routine.

As Nick laid down on the empty bed next to him. He just couldn't get himself to go to sleep. So many questions ran through his mind, so many questions that are yet to have answers. Nick turned his head to the empty space beside him. He grabbed Dan's pillow and hugged it close to his chest.

Lately he has been having struggles sleeping alone. Maybe because he was so used to have Dan by his side every night, It feels weird when he's not there. It's been a long time since he's actually gotten to spend some quality time with his boyfriend.

Don't get him wrong, He loves his boyfriend, but lately he feels like Dan has been distancing himself from him, and he doesn't know why. Most of the time he wouldn't pick up his calls, sometimes not answer his messages unless it's an emergency, ect. He really doesn't know what he did wrong...

Nick glanced at the clock once again. It's almost 2:00 a.m, and still no sign of Dan. He has a gut feeling that this doesn't feel right.

Thinking of all the possibilities that could happen, He felt his eyes slowly starting to get heavy as he goes to sleep.

Who knows what the next morning plans for him now.


I hope you all enjoyed episode 7 <3
It's going to be a long journey from here, so better prepare yourself.

Anyways, see y'all next week !

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