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The full moon shined through the bare branches casting an eerie shadow on the gaunt young woman stumbling down the vacant street , Clutching a small bundle tight in her scrawny arms. The cool breeze was disturbed by a large crack in the distance. "Sirius" the woman spoke almost begging with despair. " don't go , please , they don't know it was Peter they think it was you. James would understand , he would want you to save Ca- Cassie" A tremor overtook her body and tears raced down her lean checks at the last word, thinking of her only chance of hope and happiness, her only daughter.

The lanky boy , ran a hand down his long face. "Cassandra , I have to." It's my fault , the boy screamed in his mind. He did this , he told James to change to Peter at the last minute. What a terrible mistake that was. Maybe they should have seen the signs , his animagus was a rat for crying out loud. 

The woman's heart cracked in a thousand pieces. "It's not your fault nobody could have known, you didn't do this" she pleaded for him to understand, for him to listen to her. 

With one last wilful look, a loud crack, and a sob. He was gone. There was one thing the woman knew she couldn't do, which was let her only love, the only person who saw her for what she was, go and walk himself into the arms on the ministry. So without another thought she apperated to the door step of the cosy home belonging to her closest friend. She didn't think twice leaving her daughter on the steps with a note , she would be back she told herself, everything will be fine.

James and lily were dead.

They were dead and her only love was gone forever to a place she couldn't even think about. She had pleaded of course , telling the minister that it was Peter who was the secret keeper, but she was dismissed as being 'emotional' and 'out of her mind'. She wanted to die, she couldn't go on. So when the old wizard came to her hours after she lost everyone, she listened to what he said. She understood it would be better for her to go, she couldn't care for a child , not without her Sirius. 

She left. Left her family, her life ,her nephew , her only daughter. To live with the muggles. Brainwashing herself she told herself that this is what she needed and she couldn't care for a child let alone two.

Two children lay on the footsteps of different houses that cold night all because of one woman.

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