Mission Accomplished

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'You can do this. You are heir to the Demon and Son of the Bat.'  Damian thought determinately, walking down the halls to his class, clutching his backpack's handles.

'You can do this.'

But the second Damian entered his class and saw the students talking to each other and socializing, he dived to the male restrooms. 

Damian... well... had second thoughts.

Grabbing his phone, and locking his stall, he hurriedly called Steph. 

'Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!' 

"Hello?" Steph answered, at long last, she answered. Steph was at a cafe.

"Brown! I need an extraction!"

"From school?" Steph was confused. "Why?"

"I think I am sick."

"Describe your symptoms." Steph took a sip from her boba.

"Sweaty palms. Elevated heartrate. Stomach Palpitations."

"Hmmmm... Kinda sounds like nerves to me." Steph said. "Are you nervous?"

"No." Damian denied.

"Aw, you are!"

"It is your fault for giving terrible advice!" Damian whisper-shouted. "What am I going to have in common with people? I was raised by assassins!"

"Only for a short while. Then it was a billionaire vigilante. How could people not relate to that?"

"Helpful as ever, Brown. I just have to do this myself. Like everything."

"That's the Damian I know and love. Go get 'em."

'Now what did Father say again? Animals?'

Damian looked to his left, two boys were talking about a video one of them saw last night.

"I have a cow." Damian told them with the stiffest tone. The both of them stopped looked at him. "And two dogs." continued Damian awkwardly. "And also a cat."

"Um," The blonde haired one stare. "That's cool... I guess?"

"Thanks." Damian said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

The two boys continued their conversation, as if nothing happened

'This is the last time I'll ever take advice from father.' Damian clenched his fists, frustrated. 

'There has to be another way.'

ROBIN. [ S1 complete and S2 in the making! ]Where stories live. Discover now