CHAPTER 8~The truth

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I did it. I actually did it, I got the information I needed out of Aurora.

Yes I was sent on a mission by my farther Voldemort to get information out of Aurora about her and her family and I did that.

As I make my way out of the castle and past the evaporation point, I evaporate and go to the Malfoy manor the house that I grew up in but never called home.

As I walk through the gates and enter the manor I see my mother.

"Ahhh Mattheo we've been waiting for you, how's Cassandra?" My mother says while giving me an awkward hug.

This is the first time I have seen my mother since she was put in Azkaban when I was about 20 months old the last time I saw her.

"She's fine" I say in a cold tone.

Cassie doesn't know about any of this mainly because I didn't want her to know or to be involved she's too kind to do what our parents expect us to do.

As I enter the dinning room I see my farther at the end of the table he looks emotionless as always.

I take my seat next to Draco as he is also involved in this because of his parents and right now he is the only person I actually like in this room.

The rest of death eaters are speaking amongst them selves until my farther stands up and the room goes silent, so silent you could head a pin drop.

My farther starts to talk about how they will dispose of all muggles and take over the world and I zone out for most of it only thinking about Aurora.

I couldn't care less about getting rid of muggles or taking over the world but that's all my father seems to care about.


It's been about two hours since the meeting and I'm still at the manor waiting for my farther to say I can go.

Soon enough my mother and farther walk through the door. My father had a smirk on his face whilst
My mother seemed happier then ever.

"Mattheo come" my father spits at me and all j can do is obey we walk into an empty room inside the manor.

My father soon stops in his tracks turning around to face me with a wicked grin.

"Did you get the information I need?" my father asks in a nonchalant tone.

"Yes farther" I answer matching his tone to seem unbothered. "Good and there's one last thing I need you to do"
"And what might that be?" My face showing a hint of confusion for just a second.

What I have learnt is when you're around him the key is not to show any kind of emotion.

"I now need you to kill Aurora Sinclair" he says still in a unbothered tone.

While he is standing here unbothered my heart has just sank to my stomach and all I could do is wonder why.

"May I ask why?" I asked shocked to my core at the task he just told me to do.

"It is because when I recruited her farther we made an unbreakable vow that no death eater shall cause Aurora or her brother any kind of harm in return he would help me" I stared at my father in disbelief.

"But now I need her dead as she possess the same amount of power as her farther, and since you are not a death eater yet, you must be the one to do it" he emphasises two words. The word yet and the word you.

I feel like throwing up at this moment sure I got close to Aurora to find information about her but I have grown quite found of her plus Cassie would never forgive me for killing her best friend.

But nevertheless I agree I mean I have to I have no choice. His smile grows again as he shows me away and I evaporate back to hogsmeade since that is where I evaporated from.

I have just been having the best day ever with Theo Cassie and Enzo we have been in hogsmeade all day long shopping for this upcoming party that we're throwing on Friday

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I have just been having the best day ever with Theo Cassie and Enzo we have been in hogsmeade all day long shopping for this upcoming party that we're throwing on Friday.

But now it's just me heading back to Hogwarts as Theo caught this girls attention at the three broomsticks and I believe he is still talking to her and Cassie and Enzo have wondered of somewhere.

I find their relationship so cute expect when they kiss in front of me that makes me want to throw up.

It's about 9pm right now as I'm walking back to Hogwarts as I'm walking over the bridge to get back to Hogwarts.

I realise something I haven't seen Mattheo today which is weird since the past few days we have been none stop hanging out but then again that's also weird because we never just hang out together without someone else with us.

As I'm lost in thought about Mattheo I bump into something well rather someone a 6.2 foot someone with broad shoulders and a muscular body.

I look up to see Mattheo looking down at me with that daft smirk that always gets me riled up somehow even though it's really hot when he smirks.

"Hey princess" he says which makes me smile for a split second "hey matty" I say in return which he smiles back at but he doesn't hide his smile.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself" he questions and I decide to wind him up.

Since sure I like him and I believe he likes me but technically we are not dating so a little joke can't hurt right?.

"Oh I was just on a date" I say back his jaw clicks and his eyes go cold.

he looks hot right now. Not the point.

"Oh really?" He questions me further and I decide to continue my little joke. "Yes really, with a really sweet guy and bonus he was also fit" his body tenses but I continue "but he was a bit to touchy for our first date you know what I mean?" I exaggerate the word 'touchy' and his eyes grow darker.


Mattheo grabs my arm and throws me over his shoulder. " Mattheo, Mattheo stop." I squirm in his hold.

But he doesn't say anything he just continues to walk back to the castle as I struggle in his grasp.

"Mattheo I was joking." I say trying to get out of his hold.

We reach his dorm and he throws me on his bed.
"Mattheo it was joke" but his eyes get even darker at my words.

He grabs my throat with pressure not enough to hurt me but enough to force me to look at him. "Don't ever joke about something like that again" his hand around my throat tightens but still not enough to hurt me.

I nod in complete and utter obedience not wanting to make him even more mad.

"Good" he says letting go of me throat and leaning down to whisper something in my ear.

"Because you're mine"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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