Walk With Wings

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My eyes shot open.

I feel alone...and unafraid. I look around to what I believe is a pier. Instead of water it's fog...so thick its like a cloud, for miles all around. The pier is seems new, deep brown, I took a step and there is no creek. The pier goes on for a couple yards. Where it ends there is fog. Fog fog fog. Fog is all I see.

"Do you like it?" Says the warmest voice I ever heard.

"It's not terrible" I say comfortably.

"It's ours. For as long as you need me here. It's ours to share." I look up to a face I've never seen before, but yet felt so comfortable.

The man was tall. Long brown curly hair to his shoulders, big brown squirrelly eyes, soft olive skin, and cheek bones that were unforgettable. He wore a white gown to his feet, which were bare foot, and on top his head like a crown was a gold wreathe.

I had never seen him before in my life. We look similar though, he could be my brother or cousin easily.

"How'd you find me?" I ask. It's not normal for a stranger to want to spend time with me.

"You need me. Well, somewhat." He said graciously.

"Why." I ask stubbornly. He doesn't know who I am.

"There's something I need to explain to you. You haven't learned it yet and there's no other possible way to. Things aren't easy right now. They will never be simple but, all in all you need inner strength. It will be your strongest muscle. If you can just understand that and use it the best to your ability I promise you things will get better. " he looked me in the eyes and I felt trust.

He locked fingers with me and we walked down the pier.

"I love you. My love is unconditional. If you ever feel alone just think about me and I swear to you you'll feel at peace once more. I'm always with you and I'll never leave."

We got to the end of the pier and he kissed my forehead.

"Where do I go from here?" I ask worried.

The pier that we once walked down now had been lightly covered in fog and disappearing more and more by the second.

"You have to fall back to earth. Don't be scared. It's impossible to miss your landing spot."

I trusted his word and fell. When I opened my eyes again I was staring at my bedroom ceiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2013 ⏰

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