I get a message from my girlfriend

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The sand swirled around my black hair, getting caught in it. The ground opened up beneath me and swallowed me whole. This was usually the part when I woke up, but I was still asleep. I hit the ground with a thud. I stood up and looked around, but I couldn't see anything.
"Hello?" I shouted into the dark abyss, yet nothing shouted back - and I'm kinda glad that nothing did - but it just made me more scared that I was alone. The void split open to show a crack of light, before I heard a muffled voice coming from behind me.
"Percy! Percy can you hear me?" It couldn't be... Annabeth? I spun around trying to find her, when I saw what seemed like a projection of her. She was surrounded by darkness and smoke, with red, puffy eyes.
"Annabeth! Annabeth is that you?" I cried, staring longingly into the projection.
"You have to listen to me!" She shouted to me, as the crack of light got bigger. I was being woken up! "It was a trap! I never got to the coffee shop! Something dragged me to the-"
"Percy?" Someone else said. Grover! He was waking me up!
"Grover go away!" I screamed, as if he could hear me.
"Percy just listen! I'm in-"
"-are 39.0742° N, 21.8243° E! Please hurry! I love you, seaweed brain. I trust you."
"Wait I didn't hear you! Grover was-"
Then the light overtook me.

"Grover! Why would you do that?" I screamed at him, frustrated that I didn't fully hear Annabeth. What did she mean it was a trap?
"You were shaking! I thought you were having a seizure or something..." Poor Grover, he always just tried to help, but sometimes he managed to make things worse.
"It's okay, Grover. I know you were trying to help. Annabeth was just in my dream..." I cowered thinking about it. Grover stared at me with wide eyes. "Or, were you trying to help? You could've been sabotaging me." I spurted out. What the hell? I thought to myself. I didn't mean to say that. I know that he was trying to help.
Grover seemed shocked that I'd asked him. He looked like I'd just asked him if he ran over my cat.
"What? Why would I do that?" He shouted, squinting his eyes. He gestures a lot so it's really hard to tell when he is actually lying or telling the truth. Despite that, I believed him.
"Sorry," I said. "I know you didn't do that. I know that I don't usually think before I speak but that... that was something else." I stared at Grover and he stared back at me. Grover seemed annoyed but didn't want to show it. I was that distracted that I fully forgot about the dream - that was until Grover brought it back up - otherwise, I would never have remembered.
"Okay, we'll figure that out later, what about Annabeth?" Grover said. I sat down, trying to remember my dream. I grabbed my story journal and wrote all that I could remember down.
"I remember something about numbers and the fact that the trip to the coffee shop was a trap. She's... somewhere. But you kept interrupting her! So I only got the numbers. I don't know if it was 3907 or 3709..." I said, tapping my pen against my lip. Dyslexia is one of the many bad things that come with being a demigod.
"Be careful!" Grover shouted, grabbing my pen out of my hand and placing it down on the table. "That's riptide! You might kill yourself!" I sat up straight. Oh my gods, I forgot about riptide. My brain really wasn't working right.
"Thank you, Grover." I said, smiling at my best friend.
"No problem. Anyhow, maybe those numbers could be... coordinates?"
"Maybe. I don't know how Annabeth would remember them since she's dyslexic too... "
Grover chuckled, but he tried to cover up his smirk. I knew what he was about to say.
"Grover, no."
"Alright, persassy."
"I swear to the gods above and below I will drown you."
Grover and I laughed as he sat beside me, reading my notes about my dream. They did seem like they could be coordinates. There was only one person in camp who was smart with that. And we weren't exactly the best friends. Me and Grover sat in silence for a while. Since the first day I'd came to camp, she'd... not been very fond of me. That's the nicest way to put it. I thought of alternative ways we could figure out if they were coordinates and by the look on Grover's face, he was doing the same. "Nope. Not doing it." I blurted out after a few minutes of silence." Grover looked at me, and before he could object, I stormed out of the cabin.
"You're gonna have to." Grover said to me, trying to catch up to me as I walked out of the cabin. "Also, Percy-"
"What Grover?" I screamed, clearly not in the best mood.
"You don't have a shirt on."
"Oh my gods."

THE CHALLENGE OF THE GODS: The City Of BeastsWhere stories live. Discover now