24th June, 2015

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A crisp winter air. The gentle sun rays, and the soft crunch beneath human feet. The chattering and laughing around us. Simple things. The beauty of nature, and us. What is 'us'? What are 'we'? Most people would say, we are humans. The main inhabitants of planet Earth. But what are we, really? Try seeing it away from your point of view. Away from clouded eyes that see right in all the wrong. Do you see it now? We're the monsters of the world. The ones that make young children fearful, and those that destroy the very planet that is sustaining the life that is 'us', and so many others. Do we really exist in the first place?

Now, I know what you're going to say. "It's not my fault." Well that's where you're wrong. It's everyone's fault. Very few can honestly say, that they're not to blame. Why is human life so much more important, that we feel that the planet is all ours, and we can do as we wish? Why do we kill. Fight. Hurt others? Is it, what? Because we have a higher brain capacity? A higher knowledge? If that's true, does that mean that, if they so chose; dolphins could take over humanity and destroy our world as they know it? They have an average of twice the brain capacity of humans! A suspected average of 20% of control of the Cerebral Cortex. It's human nature not to realize the true value of something, unless they lose it. Either people change or they die before they do. It's one or the other.

Now please, don't even try to argue with, "we're higher up in the food chain." But are we really? Without all our modern technology, are we really? I'm 'sure' you could win one on one with a shark. Or maybe a lion? Hm... Maybe you could beat a cheetah in a race? Ohh. I get it. You think you can beat a dog in tracking. Well guess what? You can't. No matter how you look at it, without technology, we might as well die off. It's not like we do anything for this world other than reproduce and make it worse with each generation. We even have the technology that can be used for good. So that we didn't have to eat meat. Imagine the space and pollution levels rapidly increasing and decreasing respectively. Why aren't humans used for food instead? Exactly.

Numbers. Letters. Simple things we're taught early on. All the way up to thing such as applied mathematics. Quantum mechanics. All of it. Our cells. They exchange a thousand bits of information between themselves per second. Cells join together forming a joint web of communication, which in turn forms matter. Cells get together, take on one form. Deform. Reform. It makes no difference. Humans consider themselves unique, so we've rooted our whole theory of existence on our uniqueness. "One" is our unit of measure; but is it? All social systems we've put into place are a mere sketch. One plus one equals two. That's all we've learned, but one plus one has never equalled two — there are in fact no numbers and no letters, we've codified our existence to bring it down to human size, to make it comprehensible, we've created a scale so we can forget its unfathomable scale. Maybe; just maybe, there is no purpose in life... But if you linger a while longer in this world, you might discover something of value in it.

The dark recesses of the mind. It can be a fearful place. A place that many of our imbecilic species can never begin to understand. The shadowy ideas and moments of each passing day gathering and creating thoughts such as these. Thoughts that can manifest and create a being's whole existence. Thoughts such as these can be someone's everyday thoughts. And it is. They're only a small fraction, of my own thoughts that no one else has ever heard. The recesses of my own mind. My dark, fragile, human mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2015 ⏰

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