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Beep beep beep

The sound of the alarm on my phone gets louder . I sighed heavily  knowing that I have to get up and get ready for school . My name is sutanya hall , I go by Tanya . I am 17yrs  old and currently  fourth  form  at a secondary  school  called Muzul High School...I got up and took a shower  that  lasted approximately   25 minutes .I went in my room got dressed  and put on my uniform ,grabbed  my things  and went off.


I met up with my friends  north(roxi) ,tena (tt) mecury (mec) and daniel (neilia).
"yow wassup," I said

"waiting  on your  slow  ass from  about  5minutes  ago," mec said .

I sighed  whatever  nigga  .

Mec P.O.V

It's  been 5minutes am waiting  on Tanya and she haven't  showed  up yet everyone  else is here .I look on my phone  and saw the time ,it was 7:25 . I sighed  as I look  up I saw her coming . I smiled  on my inside  but showed  irritated  on the outside .

"yow wassup," she spoke.

I quickly  took that time to talk . I heard she mumbled  ,"what  ever  nigga under her  breath ," but guess what I heard . We chilled  out and we began to walk  to get a bus so we  could  go  to school .

We hopped a bus ,Tanya got in before  me so I sat beside  her .I secretly has a crush  on her she is cute , intelligent , smart , stubborn ,  determined  and faisty .

"You good," I spoke  breaking  the silence .

" I'm good  just  relaxing  how about  you"

I'm  good .

30 minutes later 

We arrived  to school  everyone both said their  goodbyes  as we went   our separate  classes .The first  class I have is English .This  subject  you just  got to use common  sense . I love acting  and shit it's my thing makes  me feel happy  . I'm 17 very handsome ,intelligent  and a friendly  person ....

When  I went to class  everyone  began to stare , I ain't  mind though . Shit  I feel important  when  they do that . I went  to the back of the class  and have a seat the class began 1 minute later .  Class was interesting .. This chika  sat beside  me her name is Mellisa  cute and thing but ion  wanna  start  shit yet I like Tanya . I'm  gonna  tell her real soon don't think  I can keep it much longer 

Tanya P.O.V

My first class was Spanish ,I hate this subject  with  a passion  but  I mentain an A average   .I slept  out half of the class session  and  then the rest on my phone on social  media . I went on my Facebook liked a few people  pictures  and replied  to some messages . . While going through  my news feed I've noticed  that  mec puts a status saying  " I really  like her and ima  tell her soon "I was like soo jealous  I just logged   out.

When my first period was up I went to my next class which was biology .  I love biology . As I stepped into the class eyes were  all on me, I'm like bitch I'm  not having  a photo  shoot today probably  tomorrow . I took a seat at the back of the class .. The teacher  step in couple  mins  after  me. She got settled  and began to teach .During the middle of the period, the class was disrupted  by the guidance  counsellor  and a boy standing  beside him . She whispered  something  to the teacher  and walked  out .

Hello student we have a young  man here today I'll  allow  him to introduce  his self to you .

"Hello every  one my name Shawn I am 17 yrs  old and I'm happy  to be here ."

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