What If?

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         I looked at her picture on the wall, debating in my head if I should go in or not. I don't think I could face seeing her after these agonizing three years of absence, even if she wouldn't notice me from her place on the stage. I struggled to turn myself away from where the people heading to see the lovely Mia Hall perform were entering, all dressed in thousand dollar outfits. I wrapped my arms around myself and continued down the street, back to my hotel, back to the place where I belonged, back to the life that would have me on a plane to London the very next day.

        As soon as the elevator slammed to a stop on my level of the hotel that I could never remember the name of, I felt my feet moving toward my manager Aldous' room, as if they were on autopilot. I watched myself knock on the door and him swing it open to greet me, feeling like I was in a stranger's body. When I glanced up at him, I knew he could see the dead, empty look in my eyes.

        "Adam!" He sounded worried. I couldn't really blame him because I would be worried too if I were him but, for some reason, the exclamation really irked me. "Are you okay? What happened?"

        I ignored him, not really feeling like talking about my problems. All I wanted to do was go to my room and forget this night ever happened. I just wanted to fall into my usual fitful sleep and prepare for the horrendous upcoming European leg of Shooting Star's tour. So, when I held out my hand to Aldous and said "key," it came out much harsher and colder than I ever intended.

        Instead of glaring and being angry at me like I deserved, his eyes just filled with undeniable pity and sadness. He turned away from the door and walked into his small hotel room, reappearing a few seconds later with what appeared to be my room key in his hand. I grabbed it from him and turned sharply on my heel, stalking away from my manager and towards the safety of my room. When he called after me to sleep well and try to relax, it sounded foreign and distant, not even close to the comforting and caring tone that I knew he was trying for.

        I sighed and slid the plastic key into the lock and shouldered open the door. I ripped off my shoes and collapsed onto the king-sized bed positioned in the center of the room, trying to only concentrate on the task of falling asleep. No matter how hard I tried, though, I just couldn't erase her face from my mind. I felt like I was finally starting to forget about the time we shared until I saw her eyes, staring at me from the poster that hung on the outside wall of Carnegie Hall. Mia. I remember her leaving me three years ago, after her family was killed in a tragic car accident. She left for Julliard, following the talent that she had on the cello to New York. I loved her with all of my heart; still do if I was being truthful. She left me though, left me with no knowledge of why.

        I ruined any of my chances of ever finding out, or of simply seeing her face one last time when I walked away from the concert hall. I just couldn't deal with the pain that the occurrence was bound to bring me. It is too hard to even think about her, much less see her. I am already having trouble moving on as it is, if I even glance at her one more time, all of those feelings would return and-

        My cell phone started blasting its signature ringtone from across the room. I groaned and dragged myself up from the plush bed, stumbling my way over to where the metallic object was bellowing on the mahogany table. I didn't even bother to take a glimpse at the caller ID, already knowing who it was.

        "Hey Bryn," I said into the receiver, scrubbing a tired hand down my face.

        "Adam!" Her voice chirped down the down the line in a loud, high-pitched ringing sound. "Guess what?"

        "Hm," I said, not really in the mood for all of her little games and tricks.

        "I managed to get a break from my movie! It took some work, but now I can come see you on your tour! Isn't that great?!"

        "Yeah, yeah Bryn, that's great. I can't wait..." I tried to sound enthusiastic, but I know I just came off as bored.

        "Adam? What's wrong? Are you all right? Aren't you excited?"

        "Of course I am. I'm just really tired and was actually about to go to bed when you called. Can we finish this tomorrow?"

        "Yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Sleep tight. I love you."

        "Love you too. Bye."

        I heard her mumble a quick 'goodbye' as I hung up the phone. I returned it to its previous position and walked over to the bed. As I lay back down, I couldn't help but feel like I lied to Bryn. I wanted to be true to her and love her more than anything else in the world, but deep down, I knew that the only person that I could ever really want, love, and need, was Mia Hall.

A/N - Hey! I hope you liked it. I wrote this last year for a reading project in my English class and decided to post it here! Sorry it's so short. The assignment only had to be 500 words and this is 900. Tell me what you think! Please don't post anything rude, though. I only accept compliments and constructive criticism.

Thank You,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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