𝐯. crasher

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𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄─── ・ 。゚⟡ 𑁍 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───જ⁀➴      𝙲𝚁𝙰𝚂𝙷𝙴𝚁      𖥔 ݁ ˖ ❫

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 𑁍 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───
𝙲𝚁𝙰𝚂𝙷𝙴𝚁     𖥔 ݁ ˖

THE YOUNG BRUNETTE was on her phone, a leg on top of the other as she scrolled through her playlist. Tyler, being the kind and thoughtful person he is, told her she could suggest songs, yet not control it. She was fine with it as long as she had something to busy herself with.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Madelyn said loudly over the music so she could be heard, in which Aaliyah shook her head with a smile, "I'm getting you your own full pizza, God knows you need to consume something."

"That's so backhanded," Aaliyah then said, looking for Valeria in the crowd, before spotting her in the kitchen while some guy tried his best to hit on her yet failed miserably, "Go save her before she says a few things."

"Yeah, I know," Madelyn sighed and turned right around, walking in the direction of Valeria. Aaliyah stayed in her seat as she scrolled on her feed, liking people she followed posts and so on. She wasn't trying to get on Dylan's page, but her feed just put him there and that isn't technically her fault. It wouldn't be lying to say she did want to check up on him.

She felt and knew she shouldn't be doing what she was, having an idea of how it would turnout anyway, yet still did it. He had uploaded a story, and she didn't want to make it obvious she cared—which was odd since she had never cared about that in the past. Aaliyah snapped out of the little haze she was in and put her phone down, contemplating if she should just go admit whatever the hell she felt or stay quiet and let the ruined friendship not be absolutely destroyed.

"What's up with you?" Phoebe suddenly spoke. She didn't even realize Phoebe attended the party, let alone wanted to come since they were never really that close.

Aaliyah shook her head, face softening after her overwhelming thoughts, "Nothing. How are you?" She changed the conversation, feeling a bit awkward. Truly, she didn't know the girl all that well and she didn't mind getting to know her; she only knew of the basics. Phoebe was a good student, quiet but nice, and overall just someone who wouldn't influence you in a bad way.

"Good, a bit bored." She looked around, "Where's Dylan?"

Why does everyone keep asking me that?

Is that all anyone knows me as?

I'm trying to get away from him.

𝖄𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄, 𝐃.𝐇Where stories live. Discover now