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November 2001

In a remote countryside, within a traditional Japanese house, the night was veiled in darkness. A peculiar creature loomed, its malevolence contrasted by the innocence in the eyes of a little girl who questioned, "Daddy, why is that strange creature attacking Mommy?" Her calmness was surreal, considering the bloodied scene around her and the creature staring into her very soul.

The surroundings brimmed with floating talismans, forming a protective barrier. Amidst this backdrop, a man, the little girl, a lifeless body, and the grotesque being coexisted.

"Daddy has important work, Yoshi. Leave this barrier and never look back. I've informed Grandma; she'll take care of you," the man said, gently pushing the little girl away. His tone was tender, though his body emanated alertness, focused on the monstrosity before him.

"..Will.!!...Sex....Girl... Girl..Girls!!...Kchikichi," the monstrous being's utterings were incomprehensible.

"But, Mommy isn't getti-" the girl mumbled, rooted in place.

"Run, Yoshi!" the man's voice boomed, causing the girl to tremble as the shock of her father's yell rippled through her.

At that very instant, the monstrous entity lunged at the man, its tentacles seizing him and rending him in two.

With a stomach-churning display, the creature's gaping maw, positioned between its breasts, exposed a horrifying sight. As its excitement surged, additional tentacles sprouted, inching towards the girl.

"Girls....kchi...kchi...Girl!! Child Girl....Kchi..Sex..... Kchi..kchikchikchi child kchiki sex kchikichiki," the creature's words were nightmarish.

Amidst this grotesque scene, the girl's focus lingered on her father's lifeless form, her disbelief overcoming the impending doom.

"Daddy didn't yell... not at Yoshi..." Her voice held a note of confusion, her gaze shifting to the monstrous entity. Slowly, her eyes glazed over, then blazed red as she accused, "It's you!! Yoshi's a good girl! You made Daddy yell at me!"

In that moment, an aura surged from the girl, conjuring black ink from thin air. The ink transformed into a massive sword, plunging into the monster. Despite the grisly sights and smells, the girl's vision blurred, and she succumbed to unconsciousness, her grip on the weapon unbroken.

The room's walls shattered, ninjas streamed in with weapons at the ready. An elderly woman in white kimono entered, her disappointment palpable as she surveyed the scene of death and the creature impaled by an obsidian blade.

"I should have arrived earlier," the old lady lamented. However, her gaze softened upon spotting her unconscious granddaughter. Pride twinkled in her eyes as she commanded, "Weapons down. My granddaughter has quelled the curse. It's a sorcerer's task to exorcise it now."

The ninjas complied, sheathing their weapons. The old lady's gaze returned to Yoshi, and she ordered her squads, "Squad 1, clear the house and arrange a funeral. Squad 2, retrieve my son's body meticulously, especially his head. Any slip-ups, and you'll face execution along with your kin."

"Yes," the squads answered in unison, bows following their agreement.

With tender care, the old lady scooped up the child. She noticed a card bearing a demonic symbol lying nearby, intrigued by its presence.

"Interesting," she murmured as she picked up the card, watching it gradually turn transparent. Her eyes flicked to the impaled monster before she left with her granddaughter. In the safety of the car, she made a call, her orders precise.

"Summon the doctor immediately. Assure him of payment and arrange a pact."

Kyoto, Japan

Within a grand mansion's hall, a doctor in a white coat stood before the old lady. He reported respectfully, "The operation succeeded. Her intense cursed energy will be contained temporarily, around five days. Otherwise, she's in good health. However, there's an anomaly."

The old lady's brow furrowed. "Is it a health risk?"

"No, not at all. She's perfectly healthy. It's just... she has Urbach-Wiethe, a condition where she biologically can't experience fear."

Laughter erupted from the old woman. "Oh! Hahaha! You had me for a moment. That girl is full of surprises. You're dismissed."

After the doctor's departure, the old lady remained, contemplating. Suddenly, she shouted, "Who's there?"

A ninja appeared and apologized for interrupting her thoughts. Their conversation centered on the curse, but the old lady's abrupt response was, "Handle it. It's not my concern."

'Both of them left without responsibility. Given her potential, I can at least make her the clan's leader. She'll restore our clan's glory,' the old lady resolved.

In a room awash with medical devices and talismans, Yoshi awoke, sensing a shift within herself. Weakness gripped her, and she surveyed her surroundings, noticing a change in her vision. An unseen blindfold obscured her eyes, yet she could see beyond it.

With her hands on her eyes, she recognized the presence of a blindfold and muttered, "Grandma's magical papers?"

Recollections of the recent events flooded her mind. Panic engulfed her, and she started to scream and run, urgently seeking her grandmother's presence.

As one ninja prepared to intervene, another halted him.

"Do you wish for death? If that blindfold slips, she could end you with a mere gaze. The clan leader commanded us to allow the young lady to move without restraint."

The second ninja, as though recalling a specific instruction, paused in his steps and offered a cautionary word.

Soon, she reached her grandmother.

"Grandma! We must save Mommy and Daddy from the monster! Use magic! Come with me!"

The old lady's heart swelled with pride as she gazed upon her granddaughter's unwavering demeanor.

'Ah, my heart can hardly contain it. She's truly a precious child. Oh Kami, thank you for blessing me with such a remarkable grandchild.'

Urgency morphed into frustration as her attempts to drag her grandma yielded no results. "Yoshi, follow me," her grandmother's stern command finally resonated.

Understanding that her grandmother wouldn't listen without obedience, Yoshi complied.

They stood before her family's tombstones.

"Why are we at Grandpa's place, Grandma?"

Yoshi observed her grandmother's expression shifting to disappointment.

"They raised you sheltered from the world's reality. Yoshi, your parents aren't with us anymore; they've gone to be with Grandpa."

"But... But, I'm not bad! Grandpa never visits me! They can't leave with Grandpa! It's that monster's fault! Yoshi is a good girl, Dadd-"

"Shh, it's alright. I'm here. It's alright," her grandmother comforted, embracing Yoshi as she hyperventilated and wept. She might not fully comprehend death, but she knew she could never see her parents again.

"Yoshi, that monster is a cursed spirit. You're right, you're not the cause; the cursed spirit is. In this world, curses do this to everyone."

"Cursed spirit?"

"Yes, as you grow, you'll become accustomed to them. Some people won't return, leaving us behind. Your Grandma's accustomed to it, and you're strong, too. I know you will be," her grandmother affirmed.

"Curses... will do that... curses..."

Sensing the anger in Yoshi's voice, the old lady saw two cards manifest in front of the girl. Yet, they seemed to waver in and out of existence.

"Yoshi, if you wish to make your parents proud, you must grow strong and become a sorcerer. I'll teach you. Do you want to learn?"


"Yes, are you willing?"

"Yes, I will learn."

Yoshi's reply echoed with determination.

"Good. But first, you must master our family technique. You'll lead our clan in the future."

Jujutsu kaisen: Sorceress Of FortuneWhere stories live. Discover now