Kurasan x reader

787 11 38


Requested by @penshusbandreal :)
Whoaa i have an aesthetic header now

-Gender neutral O/N (they/them)
-Plot : O/N and Kurasan have a silly kinda rivalry friendship and they're constantly daring each other to do really dangerous stuff except it escalates a bit further than planned :3
-806 words :3


Loud laughter echoed all around the field.
An object shakily got up from the ground with a grin, he was covered in scratches and bruises but either did not notice or care.

"You should've seen the way you fell off that cliff, Kurasan!"

"I thought I was going to die, honestly. Anyway, it's my turn to give you a dare!"

O/N's smile faltered slightly. Kurasan could be a bit extreme in the dares they gave, he got too caught up in their "fun" and forgot about safety.

"Okay! I dare you to..."

Kurasan eyed their surroundings searching for an idea. His eyes landed on a tiny yellow flower. He pointed at it with a grin.

"Eat this!"

"What? But what if there's dirt and bugs on it?! That's disgusting! What if I get sick?"

"O/N, I just threw myself off a cliff because you dared me. It's your turn.





O/N reluctantly approached the plant. They kneeled next to it. It would actually be a shame to just eat it, its petals had a tone O/N had never seen before and its shape was original.
It would've made a nice present...

Oh well. O/N grabbed the stem of the flower and leaned down to munch it...

It had a terribly acidic taste and the petals felt rough as sandpaper. O/N could feel some dirt crunching under their teeth as well. They sucked up the disgust and swallowed before looking back at Kurasan.

"Next time you make me eat a plant this gross, I'll push you off a cliff myself."

"O/N, you wouldn't hurt your best friend like this! Your partner in crime, your discord kitten!"

He spoke in a falsely offended tone, making dramatic gestures with his hands like he was about to faint from utter shock

"The yee to your haw, the yin to your yang, the-"

"Okay, get it! I was joking, Kurasan. I really don't care what flowers you make me eat, just pick a tastier one next time...
But yeah, it's my turn to give you a dare now..."

O/N smiled mischeviously. They had trouble coming up with an idea that was both really stupid but also safe.

"...Uhm... How about you... Errhmmm...."

"We don't have all day O/N, just come up with something, anything!"

"Okay! I dare you to.... dance the macarena! BUT while doing a handstand and you have to do the arm movements with your feet instead!"

"What is your probl-"


Kuran shakily balanced himself on his hands. His arms were trembling and he could tell he would fall over if he wasn't careful.

"O-okay... the macarena...? Uhm, but legs don't bend the same way arms do, how am i supposed to-?"

"Figure it out yourself, I'm sure you can do it!"


Kurasan bent one of his legs, then the other, then he miserably fell on the ground like a pancake that got flipped over in a pan.
His left shoulder made a worryingly crunchy noise as he hit the ground.

"Oh... I-i'm sorry, are you okay? Kurasan?"

O/N knealed down near their friend. He was clutching his shoulder whimpering in pain and was suddenly a lot less eager to have fun...

"Aw man... We should probably stop the dares for now, alright? Let's go see Yoshka, he knows his way with caring for injured people..."

They helped Kurasan up. He was still holding his shoulder in a pained grip, sniffling.


The purple symbolar indeed knew his way around such problems. According to him, Kurasan had only dislocated his shoulder. It could be put back fairly easily, but the pain would be extremely sharp but brief.

"Kurasan, don't move. O/N, please hold his shoulder in place while I..."

With one firm pull from Yoshka, his arm was back to how it should be. Kurasan briefly yelped in pain, then went quiet.

As the two friends walked away from Yoshka, O/N spoke up.

"...Do you really want to keep going with the dares and all? I'm worried something even worse might happen next time."

"That's... a good idea."

Kurasan decided to be reasonable for once. More pain would not be welcome. He turned his head to look at O/N and continued:

"But I want to give you one last dare."


"I dare you to kiss me."


Next oneshot is Seven x reader requested by @Henry_emiliano_6 :)

Thank you all so much for 10k reads!

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