My never happy ending

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Author's note: Okay now this is my first story and i am really trying here. I am only a teen so plz dont dis me tht hard I am really am trying to fit up to all you older people. Yes this story us true. Um... I dont know what else to say. Besides that enjoy the story and hopefully you will like it!


  I put down my book with a sigh and get up from my worm cocoon of covers across my bed into the chilling air that nips at my skin. I am pretty sure you are wondering who i am. Well hold on while i get changed. And no peeking.

I shimmy out of my sweats and tank top for navy blue pants that are 3 sizes too small and an over baggy shirt that is probably 5 sizes to big and an even baggier black hoodie.  I push my huge feet into my too small converses with holes all over it.  I move onto my messy account of hair and fix its mess until it looks decent.

I have long blonde hair that reaches just past my shoulders. Blue eyes that pierce straight into your soul and a smile that (I have been told) makes me look like an angel.

Okay so I'll explain who I am. My name is Olivia Heart. Yea I know total normal name. Anyways, sixteen. I live in Vinegrove, Kentucky. I like all kinds of music except opera and screamo to the point you can't understand what they are saying.

Lets see anything else.... Oh yea I have an abusive mother.. Eh hold on my past is even better. Yep but no time to talk have to start the day.

I walk out of my bedroom and face my mom. It's only 5:42 in the morning so I'm not awake. Now watch this sick bastard work her lies on me. Just watch.

My mom walks over to me and smiles. No it isn't a bad smile that sends shivers down my spine. It's a lying through her teeth smile that only I can see through. She hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

“Love you Olivia, have a nice day at school, behave and I'll see you tonight. Bye sweetie.” She says this in her motherly tone. I nod and grunt. She thinks I am too tired to speak yet and leaves. Hah! Sucker.

I think sweetly 'Don't worry mother dear. I'll pray for you. I pray that your breaks will go out when you are going down hill or a flower pot will fall from a window sill and knock you on the head for me.'

I giggle at the thought as I sit in the darkness waiting to hear the tires disappear into the distance. This is the routine. I grab my bag and throw it at the door but just for fun. I wait about an hour doing nothing. Yes nothing. I didn't even eat.

I decide I'll ride the bus today so I stand outside in the freezing rain and wind. I check down the street again for the bus seeing no sign of it, just a car. Sloshing puddles cover the road and the sky is dark with its drowning gray clouds.

The car speeds past and spray a puddle over to the side of the world where i'm standing. I try to dodge it as much as possible but it is useless. I still get sprayed with the cold icy water that will take a few seconds to hit my skin through my clothes.

The bus honks its horn to tell me to get my ass on there or its leaving. I adjust my backpack on my shoulder again and jog across the street up into the bus's doors. I feel a heat blast hit me when I climb on.

I walk all the way to the back and plop down on the seat and pull out my ipod. Before I can even start it it is snatched from my grasp and dangled in front of me. I scowl at it knowing the hand that is holding my ipod belongs to Stewart.

I snatch it away from the hand before they can reel it back. No way was I in the mood for the twins. Stewart and Billy were twins by birth. I swear they twin speak. If one starts to do something the other one will join in knowing what to do.

Stewart and Billy both look alike. They have a lot of differences though. Billy is the smart one he is thinner and he is a tad bit nicer. Billy has a nice tan and has a fit body. Stewart is the bad boy. He has muscles that rip out through his tan skin. His IQ isn't the greatest out there. Actually I think he has more hormones then brain cells at times.

Both boys were okay. I wasn't best buddies with them i just didn't hate them to the max. They were pretty awesome at times and funny. It's not like they knew what went on at home. So i let it pass unless they go over board, which today was one of those days.

"Hey lesbo, how's the weather in emo-ville? Bloody with a chance of goth?" Stewart cracked the joke with a sneer.

Yep i was known as many names. Lesbo(which i wasn't. No offence but i just don't swing that way) Goth, cheater, emo, the it, slut, cocksuker, cunt, cinderella's unlucky twin, slave, bags, drags, dirt, dirt bag, and N.E.W.S. (Not even worth spit)

Something whacked my cheek. Hard. It was my cheek already bruised. I flinched and glared daggers at Stewart holding a math book. His face had turned to disgust.

"Yo dirt bag, we asked you a question. Where's your homework. We need to copy it, cunt." Now this is where i draw the line.

"Thing 1 and Thing 2 why don't you just do your own homework so you can actually learn something and hit me again with that book and you will wake up tomorrow with only one ball instead to the two tic tacs you have done there." I threatened with a promising look on my face.

"Oh big bad goth chick thinks she can hurt us." Billy said in a mocking scared voice.

Next thing i know they are one either side of me in my seat and elbowin my stomach. Their eyes were smiling with pleasure form my wincing and yelps. Their mouths had formed a sick evil smirk and this is only the begunning of my day.


Sorry its so short! I need to work on some stuff

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