Chapter One|A new year

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"Welcome to sixth year, Lexi. "
I sigh as I look in the mirror beside my bed. Sometimes, I don't know if I recognise the person looking back at me. My eyes aren't the bright green they used to be. They're dull and tired. My purple bags make my eyes look sunken, and a smile that has long disappeared since the battle against ranrok.

I fix my green robes and my messy black hair into a high ponytail, tapping my cheeks as i yawn to try and wake myself up and look more alert and I go to check if I've got any mail, but none.

It's been a long summer. Many nightmares of the terrors I encountered as a fith year. Ranrok is gone, rookwood is gone, and Professor Fig.. he's...gone.

Over the summer, Natty and I have exchanged owls. She's been telling me about her adventures in the Highlands as a Gazelle, Now her mother is more Leaniant on her going out.

Ominis has expressed his worries on Sebastian... We haven't heard much from him since Anne refused to see him and wanted to turn him in.
I know he regrets what he did to his uncle. He wishes he could take it back, but it's too late... I hope Anne will forgive him.. he's so lost without her.

I take a deep breath as I step out of my dorm room and start walking down the stairs to the common room. It's cold as I walk down the steps, a cold that is numbing across my skin that makes me want to freeze in my steps. I take a deep breath, standing up straight, thinking it's going to give me more courage.
I take a few more steps down the spiral staircase and i can seen more of the common room, People are all in their separate areas talking to their friends, laughing and joking, and discussing what they have been doing over the summer, it's clear to me they don't feel the same cold sensations I do. It's like the events over the past year haven't happened. Most students don't know everything that went down. But many have suspicions.

My eyes start scanning the room as my feet touch the bottom of the stairscase, looking for my friends. I see Ominis in the corner of the room by the large windows,
Imelda is sat on the sofa, talking to the Quidditch team, hoping that it's reinstated this year.
My eyes keep scanning the room, looking for Sebastian, but I can't see him anywhere, so I take another deep breath and go and walk over to Ominis.

"Ominis." I say quietly as he turns round to the sound of my voice. He looks tired. His blonde hair isn't as tightly slicked back like normal, some of his hair, falling over his face, and his eyes- they're red and they look sore, likes he's been crying before he came down here.
"Lexi, is that you?"

I Nod "Yes Ominis, it's me".
He frowns as he puts his hand on my arm and then up to my shoulder and lightly pats it.
"Sebastian, he's not here, is he?"

I put my head down.
I know he knows the answer to his question, but he wants to hear it for himself from somebody else. I shift my feet slightly beneath me. He can sense my body change, and he moves his hand anyway from my shoulder and looks away from me.

"No, he isn't, I'm sorry, Ominis, I don't know where he is -"

By the time I finished the sentence, Ominis already had his wand out and started to walk away from me, to the staircase that leads up the castle.

"We need to be in the great hall. The sorting ceremony will start soon." he says back at me as he starts to walk up the staircase.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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