glimpses of happy endings

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His name was Allen. He was scribbling.  Drawing sketches of a woman. He was smiling on his work. “Allen!!!!” a girl shouts. Allen hid his sketchbook but it was too late that girl saw it already. “Can I see? Please. Please!!!”She is saying this while she sits beside him. Her name is Cassie. Allen’s bestfriend. They’ve known each other since they could remember. But one thing Cassie doesn’t know about Allen is the contents of his sketchbook. “No.” Allen said then continues “If you want I’ll just make you a nice sketch just leave my pad alone”. “But I’ve I don’t want another sketch from you what I want is too see what’s inside that pad.” She tries to reach for the sketchbook. “I said no.” Allen said. Cassie pouts and walks away. Allen got a grip on her arm. “Hey, this is just something next to privacy to me. You know everything about me already. My greatest fears and secrets, even what time of the day I take a bath” Cassie laughs and remembers that she was supposed to be angry at him. Looking at her expression Allen laughs. “What?!” Cassie tells him and walks away. Allen got her hand again “Hey, don’t be mad. I promise I’m going to show this one at the right time.” “You’ve been telling me that for about 5 years now. I mean I won’t mind if you have some French girls ov—“ Allen covers her mouth. “Can you watch your mouth we’re in public place?” Allen looks at his surroundings and sees that people are looking at them with suspicious Allen could just smile at them and grab Cassie’s hand. Allen grabs her at the back of the gym. He released her by the time they reached there. He gave her a mad looks “What? Were you afraid that they’d know how manly you are?” she laughs after saying this. “The problem with you is that you don’t think on what you are saying. You don’t know whether you’ve tainted someone ‘s dignity or you have been hurting someone else’s feelings.” He says. “Wait, what is this really about me shouting things or me forcing on things because you know what if I am hurting you? You are far more hurting me we’ve been bestfriends for life and you know all about me. Don’t you think it’s unfair that you keep secrets on me?” she says. “Telling me things was your choice, remember?” then splak! A slap was received by Allen. Cassie teary eyed already. One thing Allen hates to see is Cassie crying. “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Just trust that when the right time comes you would be the first one to see this.” He assured her. “So you mean no one has got a chance to see it?” Allen gives nod. “Why didn’t you say so?” she laughs. “‘Because you didn’t ask.” Allen tells her. “Okay fine I’ll wait but make sure it won’t be too long ‘because you might not know I’ve already stolen it.” She smiles. “If you can.” Allen said.

Cassie waited for Allen to open up whatever was on his sketchbook. Cassie didn’t have a name on this feeling until she called it jealousy. She has been in love with Allen for quite some time. She was before contented in seeing Allen everyday. At least she what is going on with him. Allen would tell her everything except his sketchbook. She tried to talk with their friends but they would only say “He’ll sure let you see it in time.” With some vicious smiles on their faces. She begins to be insecure of herself. She starts wearing dresses which is by the way her hatest kind of outfit. She wanted Allen to see this because she remembered that Allen likes girls wearing dresses. She enters the hallway like a model. She looks some supermodel lost in a university hallway. She has the height anyway. She saw Allen leaning at the walls of the school. “Allen!” she shouts. Allen looks up and thought he saw one of his sketches in his sketchbook. He pretends that Cassie looks normal. “Allen look do you like it?” Cassie says with a big  smile on her face. You look so beautiful. Allen says in his mind but only says “You look fine.”. disappointment was obvious on Cassie’s face. She greatly regrets wearing this already. “thanks” with a frown on her face. Allen felt how she sad was “Since you made an effort on wearing that for me.—“ “who said I was wearing this for you?” Cassie said defensively. She blushes. “or whatever reason it was. I’m treating you for lunch ,happy?” Allen says. “I’m not dressing up for you just for to treat me lunch ,okay?” Cassie slips it. “So your dressing up was really for me?” he laughs after that and puts a hand on Cassie’s shoulder. “Okay, you look beautiful wearing that pink dress. Just don’t wear as short as that because men would look at that “ looks at her legs “for a very long time and don’t be sad okay?” Cassie smiles and says “Fine!” They eat lunch together. They had a nice time together until Glenna shows up. “Hey, Allen what is this?” looking at Cassie. "Wouldn't you mind minding your own business,Glenna?" Allen says. "Oh my don't be hurt my love," Glenna brushes his cheeks and Allen breaks away. "I'll go now, sweetie" and she walks away. Oh wait I forgot to tell you how Glenna looks like. She sort of a hot girl the kind of girl who would flirt much. She's a blond with curls on the ends of her hair. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2014 ⏰

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