Highschool (1)

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"Slut!" "Whore" "bitch!" "Who is she?" "What dose she want?" "Drunk whore!" "Probably some drunk dude took her virginity away!" "You don't fit in ass!" Those words. These are the words I hear everyday of my high school life. I am not any of these things. And I certainly haven't lost my virginity. Yet. "Don't listen to them Katherine!" My best friend Casey shook me out of my thoughts. "Thanks for trying Casey but I'm used to it already. I grew up on them." I smiled. "So how's Daniel?" She asked placing her red cafeteria tray on the table as I sat down next to her. My hand slowly made its way to the red apple placed on the plate. "I don't know! He's probably making a video next Sunday or something!" I said sarcastically while bitting the apple.

Casey had a little crush on my brother. The YouTuber/singer Daniel. How could she like him? He's so dumb! I hate him. My thoughts were interrupted. Again. This time by my nightmare. Ashely standalone. "Hey there slut!" She smiled crossing her arms. "Did your 'boyfriend' play music every night when you have 'sex'" she said quoting boyfriend and sex. I think it's a joke. I looked over at Casey. Then I realized she was talking about my crush. Brandon Fee. The hotter guy I have seen. i smiled weakly as she did the same sarcastically. "No" I looked down. "He is yours remember?" I said. "Yeah put that in mind. He's my boyfriend!" She turned around her hair flipped over as her squad of cheerleaders sashayed behind her. "Seriously I feel like their sheeps!" I laughed looking at Casey laughing.

Then her face lit up. Oh no. Not an I dea. "What!" I shot back. "Okay so you know how much I love the Magcon boys?" She cheered. "The gay dudes!?" I said. "DONT YOU DARE SAY THAT AGAIN!" She threatened me. "Okay I apologize!" I surrendered. "Okay so I heard their gonna be in LA this week! And since we have a week off for the teachers I think maybe we spend this one wisely!" She continued. "I am not going to see your loverboys!" I said. "Oh come on!" She pleaded. "Their in LA! California! We're in North Carolina! Do you knew how far that is?" I said. "Yes but please! It's not that far!" She pleaded. "Nope!" I said. Till a phone call interrupted me.
"Hello?" I said through the phone.
"Hey! Darling I know your at school but I wanted to ask you something!"
"This week since you have it off would you like to visit aunt Jo?"
I looked over at Casey. Then I mouthed. 'I have to go to Jo! Yes or no?' she laughed. And mouthed. 'Idk'
I couldn't believe what I was saying. I hated Jo. She was so annoying she reminds me of Ashely. Ew. I couldn't believe I was saying this right now. I sighed and looked at Casey who was bitting on her Apple.
"Actually mom I was gonna tell you that I was going to Magcon with Casey!" I said as I closed my eyes tightly before she spat out all the crunched up Apple peices. "What!?" She shouted shocked. I nodded.
"Really? Alright darling is this thing out of town?"
"Yes but I'm gonna take care I swear!"
"Okay take care but can you stop by home and tell your father?"
"Yeah sure!"
"Alright enjoy darling!"
I hung up as fast as I can. How could I actually say that? I didn't know them. I didn't like them. Then I saw Casey smile. "Don't even think about it!" I said and put my index finger on her lips. I got up and walked to class with my books stuck to my chest as Casey threw my tray and her tray away. I could see her screaming inside. I can't believe I just did that.
*school bell rings for the end of the day*
"I can't believe you agreed!" I heard Casey follow me out of class. I am regretting this already. "Look I only did this for you! Because I love you and I know how much this means to you so I said what the heck lets do this for her!" I lied. And she saw that. "Really? I remember the old Katherine who hated to them and envied them. She called them names!" She smiled. She's on my nerves now. "Fine! I was getting out of aunt Jo!" I admitted. "Honesty is a good policy!" She smirked. "Shut up! Okay I'm packing up and you come and pick me up? Wait do you have tickets for the show and the flight?" I asked. "Way ahead of you!" She smiled and took out two tickets for the Magcon show. "Wait did you just say show?" She paused. "Whatever it's called!" I laughed. "How many times have I told you-" she was interrupted when someone snatched the tickets from her hands. Ashely. "Hey give those back!" Casey fought back.

"Sorry shortie! So I hear your going to the boys this week!" She said. "That's none of your business Ashely!" Casey jumped to get the tickets but she failed but still tried. Then I crossed my arms. No one messes with Casey other than me! I make my way over to Casey and move her away from Ashely. "Leave it up to me!" I said as I shot a dirty look to Ashely. "Oh so the slut wants to be in this fight?" She laughed. "What are you gonna do? Slap me?" She laughed and when she said that I smiled. "Actually yes!" I said as my hand made its way to her cheek. I slapped her. That'll teach that slut. She was shocked by my move. Her jaw dropped and I could see that the slap stung her. That's what she gets.

"You crazy SLUT!" She shouts till she stopped. "Miss standalone! Don't get any closer! Miss Skye my office! Now!" The principal Mr Twang shouted. then Ashely gave the tickets to Casey. casey looked sad and mouthed thank you till her eyes made their way to the ground. I smiled. "No problem" I whispered. I made my way to the office. What the fuck? It's the end of the school and it's a Friday. "Miss skye! You've earned yourself an hour of detention!" He said as he sat down on his chair in his boring office. I swear I could throw up if I could. "No I can't! I'm flying!" I said. "I'm sorry!"
Detention was. You could say fun? I got out of the detention center and left. I guess I'm walking to school since Casey was the one who picked me up today. Then a hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned to see Casey with a smile. She hugged me. "I don't knew how much to thank you Katherine!" She said. "No need!" I hugged back. "No lets go I have to do my bag! What time are you picking me up?" I said looking at the time. it was 5pm. "I'll come over at 7! It leaves at 11 so make sure you tell your parents!" She said. "Why so early?" I asked. "In case they change the gates or something!"
I nodded and made my way over to Casey's car. I can't wait to see who my best friend day dreams about. I think?

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