Chapter One

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Hao lets the soft summer breeze ruffle his hair and the tall grasses around him as he lies in a field somewhere in the middle of a forest. The sun washes over his delicate features, blanketing him in warmth and reminding him of what was probably the last hug he'll ever receive from his mother.

He doesn't even know where he is-somewhere between the capitals of Kallindaria and Grosindan. Somewhere between the home he knows and the one he doesn't.

He's not even sure if they've crossed the border, and he doesn't really care. It won't make any difference to know. Whether he arrives in the strange country in which he is supposed to spend the rest of his life today or next week, nothing will change. He'll be stuck there in the end, either way.

"Your Highness?" Quanrui calls out to him. The sound is somewhat muffled by the distance, but Hao hears him all the same. He grunts in response so the other can locate him.

It only takes a couple of minutes before he hears the guard lay down next to him. And when he turns his head, Hao catches Quanrui closing his eyes against the bright sun with a sigh. Hao does the same, focusing on how his muscles ache from traveling, and the sound of birds calling out to each other.

There's a rustling at his side, and Hao instinctively knows that Quanrui has turned over so that he's facing his friend.

"Your Highness?" It's an echo of Quanrui's voice from just moments before, but this time laced with more concern. It's the kind of tone that tells Hao that he hasn't been doing as good of a job as he thought of hiding his emotions.

Deciding that he can't put the conversation off any longer, he opens his eyes. He keeps his eyes on the clouds above. He doesn't want to see the expression on the other's face.

"What is it, Quanrui?" he asks, even though he knows the answer. They're both already missing home, and Hao would not blame his friend if he wanted to back out before it was too late.

Quanrui takes a few moments to pick out his words as he studies the lines of his prince's face. "I am here," he settles on.

It's not what he expected to hear, and it has him finally turning to look at the younger. The expression on Quanrui's face-the one he was avoiding-is so much more complicated than he could have prepared himself for. Hao isn't even sure where to begin deciphering it, and it feels like a punch in his gut. He thought he knew Quanrui better than anyone else. He thought they were practically one person, having spent most of their lives together.

"What do you mean?" he croaks out, now uncertain if he wants to continue this line of discussion. His throat instinctively closes up on him, like it doesn't want to go on, either.

Quanrui's hand twitches, as if he wants to reach out and hold Hao's. They both know he can't do that anymore. It wouldn't be considered proper.

"I mean I'm here for you, Your Highness. Anything that you may need. It is... It is alright to be scared," Quanrui says.

Hao bristles at the formality of it all. He wishes desperately that they could turn back the clock just a couple of weeks and go back to being friends rather than master and servant. He hates that this is all they get now. He hates-well, he hates everything.

Hao sits up, uncomfortable under the heavy gaze of someone he used to tell everything to. Too much has changed.

"I'm fine, Rui." The nickname slips through his lips naturally, like his heart hasn't caught up on the events of the past weeks. Hao bites his tongue, chastising himself for forgetting, even for a second.

"I'm fine," he repeats with finality. Then he stands, brushes the dirt off of his fine silk clothes, and begins walking in the direction of his carriage. "I think it's time we get back on the road."

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