Year 3

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Blur Year 3

A year has passed, and Emma is in her first placement year. She works for 'Dillon and Dunne Biotherapeutics' as a junior biochemist/biophysicist. She has found it pretty stressful but has learnt so much within her first two months. She hasn't been spending much time with Esmerelda or Julian these past months. She only briefly sees them when she gets home from work.


Later on, Emma gets the train out of downtown Swonford. She walks down the carriages to find a seat as the train is already full. She reaches the end of the train, finding a few places to sit. Someone then speaks to her. "Hey," he says pleasantly. She turns to see the guy who helped her a couple years back when she had an anxiety attack.

"Oh, hi," she replies with a smile.

"I didn't expect to see you again. It's been a while."

"Yeah, a couple years it's been, right?" Emma then sits at the table to join him.

"How have you been? How's work at Nouveau-Chem?"

"Oh, you remembered that?" she says in surprise. She completely forgot that lie she told him.

"Hard to forget. It's pretty impressive."

"Well, actually I've moved job. I work for D 'n' D Biotherapeutics now."

"Oh cool. What made you want the change?"

"Too much stress. I need somewhere more fitted to my mental capacity."

"Fair enough."

"What about you? How's the site managing going?"

He corrects her saying, "Site engineering, and it's going okay."

"Sorry, it's been a while."

"Don't worry about it, but yeah it's going well. Anyway, how have you been? You didn't answer my question, haha."

"Oh, I'm good. Other than my job, I'm doing alright. Could be better, but hey, that's life."

"What's wrong? Is it anxiety?"

"I guess. I recently had a traumatic experience, but I'd rather not talk about it."

"I'm sorry about that."

"Ehh, it's alright. I'm just working on it. Been going to therapy to iron out some things. It'll take time, but these kinds of things do."

"That's true. Believe it or not, I've been going through some things too. To be honest I was having a shite day but bumping into you again has made it better."

"I'm happy I've been able to make someone's life better for once. It seems I'm always a problem to everyone."

"I don't believe that."

"Yeah, It's true.

"You're being too hard on yourself. I can somewhat understand. I struggle to attend family events or dinners. You feel like you're letting people down because you've got work to do. But at the end of the day, you're not God. You'll never be fast enough for everyone."

Emma is fazed by what he says. "Fast enough?"

"Aye, for me. Sorry, I was referring to myself."

Emma then relaxes replying, "Oh sorry. I got confused there for a second."

"But you said you work or D 'n' D now. How's that been going?"

"It's been good. It's just a tiny bit overwhelming at the moment. There's so much to learn, ya know?"

Blur: Year 3Where stories live. Discover now