He's back in town. He'll be back in my grasp.

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Vox's Pov:

I sat in my office, staring at my collection of TVs. Hopes of finding what I've been looking for since 7 years ago. That stupid radio demon. I grumbled with a glitch noise as I drooped in my chair as I put my hand over my screen in irritation. "This stupid bambi is so good at hiding like the coward he is." I grumble as I move my hand off my face slowly as I groan and look at the TVs again. I suddenly jump as I hear the door to my office open. I spin around in my chair as I cross my legs with irritated looks as Velvet walks in. "What do you want." I grumble as Velvet approached me, tapping away on her phone. "Don't give me your attitude, I already have to deal with Val's tantrum today! Anyways, there's other Overlord meeting, and I can't go to it, so can ya get over your little Alastor obsession so you–" Velvet said before I cut her off as the way she worded my rival made me irk."ł₮'₴₦Ø₮₳₦Ø฿₴Ɇ₴₴łØ₦."(It's not an obsession) I exclaimed in a glitch tone as I stood up with a glare."Yeah, Yeah, whatever the fuck you say. Go handle the stupid fucking meeting. I've got a show to do." Velvet rolls his eyes as she doesn't even bother looking up from her phone as she walks out. I rolled my eyes, annoyed. I went to just sit back down as I didn't even want to bother with the other overlords until I froze. 'Wait. It's the highest overlords meeting, that means.' I gripped my seat as electricity went through it as my right did it little static wave thing as my grin grew huge."Oh, Alastor. I can finally be a step ahead." I added before I tossed my chair on the ground as I grinned maliciously as I quickly went to prepare myself for the meeting.

Alastor's Pov:

I hummed a tune as I made my way to the meeting that I was probably so needed at. I made sure to avoid all paths that had shops with TVs in the windows or just stupid billboards with Vox on it. I've seen his little stalking act, it's quite irking but I can't say I'm not amused! I had my eyes closed, walking to the elevator to the meeting room. I noticed the camera, but it didn't hold much purpose as Vox never showed up to these meetings. Since he thought he was 'too good' for the Overlords. Alastor rolled his eyes as he pushed the elevator button with his staff as he walked in. He went to click the button to go up until a sudden blue bolt came out of the panel, making take a step back. To my unfortunate soul, Vox appeared into Elevator from the bolt as he fixed his suit. He didn't seem to notice me at first as he just clicked the button with a grumble, seeming annoyed. I just stayed in the corner as I leaned on my staff, I looked forward as it was amusing to see Vox, so vulnerable to his surroundings. The elevator began moving up as Vox unpaitently tapped his foot on the ground as I listened to him murmur to himself before I couldn't help but let a chuckle. Finally, Vox is taking a notice of my presence. "Hah! You have not changed, Vox." I chuckled as I didn't look at him as I fixed my Bi-foccal. He just stood there staring at me. I let out a hm as I glanced over at him, I was a little taken aback but the gaze he was giving me. He was staring down as his pupils were shrunk, and he was basically twitching. It took a lot to make me uncomfortable. He had such a strong feeling on him that I didn't recognize, which made me laugh sheepishly as I tried to cover my discomfort. "Don't act so surprised, Screen. You can't say you didn't expect me here. If anything, you are the twist here!" I add as I glance over at him again. He was just staring at me, no speaking, no movement besides his twitching. His eyes darted over me, which made my eyes twitch. This wasn't very amusing as it usual was. This wasn't the usual amusing desperation from Vox. It felt stranger. I just looked back forward as I kept my distance. He didn't seem to be going to attack me, so I just decided to ignore his useless presence.

Vox's Pov:

Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. He's there...right there. I stared as my heart beat fast as I felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. I haven't even done anything yet, but I felt as if I had already accomplished so much being in the same area with him after such a long meeting with him. I wanted to reach out and have ny vengeance, choke him out, kick him, electrocute him. But I held back, making me twitch. I had to have patience for this to go right. I couldn't mess this up. I finally averted my eyes as I let out a breath I didn't even think I was holding. I fixed my posture as I ruffled my suit as I put on my famous endearing smile. I would show Alastor just exactly what he missed by rejecting my offer. The elevator opened as I watched Alastor walk out, I held my arm to my side as I was fighting the urge to reach out and take what I've been trying so hard to get rid of. I took a deep breath as I followed him into the meeting room with the rest of the Overlords, were. I wanted to sit by Alastor, but I watched some tall scary lady sit next to him. I'm pretty sure her name is Rosie or something. I didn't care. They looked close, which was annoying. Another obstacle in my way. I sat across from Alastor. He stared him down as he talked to Rosie. I felt my temper buffering, but I held it down as the meeting started. I didn't even pay attention. I was thinking of all the ways I could make Alastor pay. My hands fidgeted unpaitently. After this meeting, I had to quickly act, Alastor definitely knows something is up. I know I look so obvious by staring him down, but I can't help it. It's been a long yore of years planning for this. After some brutal arguments, the meeting ended as I saw people getting up. I quickly stood as I glanced over at the seat Alastor to see him gone. I looked around quickly to only catch the corner of his hair, passing out the door. I growled angrily as I quickly ran through the people as I leaned against the doorway to see Alastor quickly passing the corner. I glared as I quickly chased down the hall. I turned the corner to see the elevator closed. I grinned. Did Alastor forget I could easily access the elevator. I touched the panel as I shot an electrical bolt through it, opening the elevator to see nothing. My grin disappeared as I looked confused as I heard a door slam as I turned my head quickly to see the door to the stairs close. This stupid bambi tricked me again! By the time I made it down to the lobby floor, Alastor was nowhere in sight. My fist clenched as my screen glitched out of rage as I let out a laggy scream as I threw one of the lobby chairs in anger, breaking a window. I stared at the ground as I huffed. "Just you wait, Alastor. Just you fucking wait." I eventually made it back to the V's HQ. I walked in as I saw Valentino staring at something. I walked over, curious. I stood next to Val as I saw one of Val's newest products. The Love Potion. Val glanced over at me as he leaned on me."Oh, hello, Voxxy~. How did the meeting go? Did ya run into your little boy toy?" Val said in a teasing tone. It made me grunt as I rolled my eyes as I placed my gaze back on the product."Never mind that, what's this?" I asked as I crossed my arms, staring at the strangely alluring glass of pink substance. Val grinned widely as his eyes narrowed he went over and picked one up as he held it out for  me. "How about you go find out? Use it on your little crush." Val teased again. I rolled my eyes as I took the heart-shaped potion. I stared at it. The substance had the same color as Val's famous pink smoke."But, what is it." I add coldly as I glare as I inspect the glass. Val chuckled as he placed his hand on my shoulder as he suddenly whispered into my ear."ℐT'ℒℒℳᎯᏦℰᎯℒᎯЅTᎾℛⅅᎾᏇℋᎯTℰᏉℰℛᎽᎾUᏇᎯℕT~"(It'll make Alastor do whatever you want) Val whispers which makes me freeze. I just stood there before I gripped the potion hard as my grin grew wide as my expression became dark."Oh? I'll be the judge of that." I grin as I look like at the potion. Guess I do have a plan B.


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