Life is like a door you open it get traumatised along the way.

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The door was opened by Tyler who was told to check on Justin and Trent what he found of the most traumatising things ever...well not really Tyler has seen worse but he thought it was over? He thought the murders were done and the person who did them died.No he knew he died but...He just couldn't remember his name. He remembers his face, he knew he saw him before his eyes were taken but he couldn't figure out his name...

He knew that everyone was probably going to be in danger again but this time...the killer is choosing a more...relaxed method to kill? No, maybe this is a different person but...They never saw his dead body they left and forgot to check if the killer was alive when Courtney smashed his head in with a metal pipe? Yeah but, she hit them pretty hard. They should be dead.

And then, it clicked.

He remembers his name.

He knows he's back but that's just his speculation.

He's back to take HIM.

He can't just take a break and stand there. He needs to figure out if he's still in the room, probably not but he needs to check just in case. It'd be worth something if he found the murder weapon aswell as the killer so he stepped into the room.

Tyler  looked at Justin and Trent's corpses and walked towards them. He bent down on one knee to look at them and, to pay his respects for them. They didn't deserve that, no one deserved what happened to them.He will tell Courtney and Gwen what he saw. He trusts them. They both are like family to him. Same with Cody and Noah.He trusts them. He can't trust anyone else. He's worried. He's scared, these are Natural emotions to feel when you see the two corpses of your friends? Family? Acquaintances? No not acquaintances.They all are something more to him.Even Sierra meant a lot, she tried to protect him but died doing so. He never ever wished to see someone die right in front of him.

That's all he wished but things go downhill quickly.

He inspected their bodies and looked at the stab wounds. So they died from stabbing. But that's just the cause of death? What else...

Shuffling can be heard from behind Tyler.

He didn't want to turn around, no he never ever wanted to turn around. He was afraid of who would be behind him. But if he never turned around then...he wouldn't know anything at all.

He turned around and looked at Noah.

Noah:Here we go again...

Tyler: ...

Noah:Okay...why aren't you talking?


Noah:it doesn't matter but we need to go tell everyone before it's too...


And there he stood...

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