Senior night

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A group of seniors we're at a fair ground as it was night as people were shown screaming a the high dive as a girl with dark brown hair in a loose braid wearing a purple tank to with a black leather jacket and jeans shorts with tennis shoes was shown smiling her name was dani as a girl with long brown hair wearing a pink coat over her McKinley high t shirt with jeans and tennis shoes as she takes a picture."oh my God"she says laughing as her boyfriend Jason, carrie and toni's brother Kevin were being lowered with smiles on there faces.

"Hey wendy did you get a good picture"Dani asked her best friend who nods her head before looking at the picture on her camera before looking up at the dive part of the glowing sign before looking back at her camera the sign Said high die.

Dani smiles at her brother "so bro did you wet your pants"she teased as Carrie and Jason laughed.

"Shut it dani"he says slightly shoving her as she laughs before they start walking off.

"That was intense man to just crash and burn like that"Kevin says throwing an arm around Carrie.

"Maybe for you guys but our lives are actually going somewhere"Wendy says with Jason's arm around her shoulder.

"Gotta go to that roller coaster our pass is for 9:15"Jason reminds them before checking his watch"if we miss it we'll stand in line for a day and a half "Jason says.

A banner was shown saying welcome McKinley high grand night 05. As they walks past it"it won't kill us to get a deep fried Snickers and coke "Kevin says.

Dani scoffs walking beside Wendy"Kevin I swear your like a heart attack on legs"she says as Kevin rolls his eyes.

"She's right and before riding the devil's flight yeah that might kill me"Jason laughed before as they walk ahead as Wendy stops as a ride was beside her as screaming people ride past her as a huge wind hits her hair making it fly as she felt a chill looking around before looking in the distance at the devil's flight.

Dani was shown sitting deep in her thoughts before hearing a familiar laugh as she turns seeing her ex boyfriend jack with his new girlfriend as she frowns. Wendy sees her best friend stareing into the distance as she sees toni's ex boyfriend with his new girlfriend as she scoffs at the sight before sitting beside dani as she hugs her Best friends shoulder "hey it's his lost that he let go of a wonderful amazing girl"she says with a smile.

Dani smiles smally"yeah your right "she says before they do there secret handshake. Soon they were joined by the rest of there friends Wendy sat her camera down on the table "I'll take that"Kevin says as he picks up Wendy's camera.

"No come on give me it's not even mine Kevin it's the year books Kevin"Wendy says before they watch as Kevin takes a secret shot of the girls walking by under there skirt"god your a pig Kevin"dani says shaking her head at her brother.

Wendy then reached over for the camera "hey hey give me the..."Kevin says as Wendy holds the camera up taking a picture of Kevin as the flash goes off making him flinch as the others laugh.

"Um could you liy please delete that one of Stacy"Carrie asked before hitting her boyfriend in the shoulder as he laughs.

"These are for the year book and I have to make the deadline tomorrow..and I doubt it if a shot of Stacy Kobayashis camel toe is gonna make it in there"she says as dani spit takes with a laugh coughing as Wendy pats her Best friend on the back.

"Number 38, your orders ready"was said over the inter com as Jason and Kevin went to get there foods leaving the three girls.

"I am so sorry Kevin can get so out of control"Carrie says.

"Honey he's my brother I love with him your preaching to the choir here about that idiot "dani laughs.

"Let me just says he would make me crazy I mean you know I'm such a control freak like I couldn't handle that"Wendy says as they laugh.

Carrie looks back as Kevin and Jason were getting there foods before turning back to dani and Wendy"I'm breaking up with him "she says making the two confused.

"Couple of weeks after graduation been wanting to for a while but don't tell anybody okay "she asked as they nod there heads before Jason and Kevin walk back over with there drinks and food"whoa haha now that shit there that'll sell some yearbooks"Kevin says as they turn seeing Ashley and Ashlyn at one of her game as they shoot water into clowns blowing up balloons as there thongs were showing.

Wendy sighs rolling her eyes"oh! Oh all right so I'm a total whore"she says before getting up walking over as Ashley and Ashlyn laugh continuing the game as there thongs were showing one wore a pink hoodie showing hee waist with pink camouflage pants that was Ashlyn with long brown hair while the other one wore the same thing only a matching blue outfit with blonde hair that was Ashley they were best friends as they laugh and giggle as a man with a hat wearing a brown coat with a pink shirt with pants and shoes was filming them mainly there boots with his camera his name was Frankie as Ashley was winning before her balloon pops as she jumps up and down cheering as they hug one another.

Ashley was then handed a prize which was a blow up balloon of a palm tree as she holds it"Ashley"Wendy says as Ashley and Ashlyn pose with the balloon with open smiles as Wendy takes the picture.

Soon the gang was shown walking as a man wearing a tux with sunglasses was dancing to some music before Kevin joined as dani shakes her head "ladies and gentlemen my brother"she says with a laugh Wendy was gonna take a picture of them dancing before some got in the way of he shot "excuse me"she says.

The girl turns around showing her sister Julie who wore a white hat with a red shirt with a dark red long sleeve shirt with jeans and tennis with long brown hair as her two best friends stand beside her perry who wore a dark blue shirt with black long sleeves that had a white line with pants. Amber who wore a light brown jacket with a shirt and jeans with tennis shoes.

Wendy huffs lowering her camera as she looks at her sister "your not a senior"she says.

"What are you gonna do about it miss 'cutes couple' rah rah"Julie asked with sass as she and her Best friends laugh.

Wendy smiles"mom know you here"she asked.

"You are a complete bitch if you tell her"Julie says with a huff.

"Proof where you are"Wendy says with a smile holding up the camera.

"Take a shot of this"Julie says with a fake smile as she holds both her hands up flipping off her sister as Wendy takes the picture.

People can be heard cheering and screaming from did rides as lewis was at the strength game as he holds a mallet as he won again as he jumps around cheering "yeah that's what I'm talking about that's three"he says he was a dark skinned male as wore a football jersey of his team and a long sleeve shirt underneath with jeans and tennis shoes as he does a dance as Wendy pushed her way through so she could get a picture for the year book.

Lewis was going around high fiveing people."give me some right here man right her what you doing get the fuck back hoo! My God I am good here we go boy I'll tell ya goddamn whoo!"he says to man who was going to high five him before getting hiped up again as Wendy crunches down to get a good shot.

"Here we go baby 3 for 3 it's all mine"lewis says before gripping the mallet as he swings with all his might hitting hard Wendy taking the picture as the bell which was the head as it goes flying off the board as she looks up as she watches it slow motion as it passes by the devils flight ride as the devil at the entrance of the ride was shown posed with its claw hand out as it laughs as chills go down her back as an uneasy feeling washed over her.

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