The space pod and the Alien kid

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In space was a pod flying towards earth, proach to the atmosphere the pod speed increased and crashed in a town at night full of people who were startled from the pod's crash. Fortunately, no one was injured, and the authorities evacuated people from the scene. People in flashy suits approach the pod.

???: Be careful. It might be from a villain ...

???: Oh, Eraser head always so alarmed, huh?!

Eraser head is better known as Shota Aizawa, a stealth hero, his quirk Eraser he can erase any non mutant type quirk.

Aizawa: Unlike others, I do my job seriously Midnight...

Midnight is better known as Nemuri Kayama, the R rated hero, and she can't save anyone under the age of 18 years old. Her quirk is sumnabulist she puts people to sleep when her gaz like quirk and it's mostly effective on men.

???Let's just get this over with...

???: Damn Hawk, if you didn't want to be here, why patrolling here?

Hawk: Had no choice... Yawns *. And Mirko, please relax your destructive nature wouldn't be of great help.

Mirko shrugs Hawk comment and went forward as well as the others. As they went forward, they saw a baby with a tail and was crying.

Nemuri: A child? This can't be a villain's doing...

Aizawa: Well, we don't know yet, so let's be careful. Also, we need an extraction team to retract this pod thing.

Mirko: Me and Hawk will be on the lookout for any villains who want to sneak in.

Hawk: Huh?! Why me?

Mirko: Shut up!!!

She grabbed his arm and jumped

Mirko is better known as Rumi Usagiyama, the Rabbit hero her quirk is rabbit she can do anything a rabbit can and have super leg strength and super hearing. Hawks is better known as Keigo Takami his quirk is fierce wings, and more of his quirks abilities will be explained later in the story.

Nemuri took the baby who was now asleep and aizawa and aizawa checked on the pod for anything interesting and saw a red glowing button and he pressed it and a audio message and a female voice could be hear." People from planet earth If anyone hear me, please take care of my son Koji... he's the last saiyan from the saiyan race... I think.... our planet is going to get destroyed by the galaxy tyrant Freeza... make sure he gets plenty of love... and make sure he enjoys life.... Goodbye my son...". The audio ends with screams and a big explosion and nothing... this sends chills to the heroes they both look at Koji with pity. Nemuri hugged him tight enough to wake him up opening his eyes he saw the full moon and he started to shake violently Nemuri dropped him because of this. The baby roared and grew bigger and bigger by the second and fur grew as well and in the town was a giant ape roaring and destroying everything around him.



The other heroes heard everything and went to them only to see a giant ape. Koji started spitting ki blast out of his mouth and destroy buildings. And he roared more.

Will Koji gain back his sense and does the heroes manage to calm him down found out in the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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