The New Foals

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"Hey, watcha writing there, Octopus-via?" Black Keys asked me, sending the whole class to laugh. I rolled my eyes. "Veeery funny, Keys. You do realize that your little nickname for me makes no sense whatsoever, right?" I asked. He glared at me. "Pfff, what do you know about humour? Aren't you the same filly who has a dull colour for her coat and mane, a dull choice of instrument and a dull british accent? And what's up with that 'oh-look-at-me-I'm-so-smart' attitude? Seriously, 'whatsoever'? No wonder nopony likes you, you nerd. You try to look smarter than how old you really are, but seriously, it's pathetic," he smirked. I wanted to protest, but what can I do? The whole class was on his side, and he's right, I'm not exactly the type of pony who will be un-pathetic, and if I try to punch his face, then, well, I'm dead.

As the class laughed at me, called me names like 'Octopus-via' and 'Octo-freak', I looked back down on my music sheet. I've been working so hard on this song I've been composing for a pretty long time. I just need to make it perfect.

"Good morning, class," our teacher, Ms. Lorelei, greeted us. Some mumbled good morning and some (me) ignored her and continued on my music. Not that it would matter, Ms. Lorelei was passive and doesn't really care on what we do in class, as long a we learn something. Doesn't matter if this something if music, math, science, a new word or a new mane-style. As long as we learn something.

"Alright, fillies and gentlecolts, today, we are going to welcome a new filly into our class and school! Come on in," I could hear Ms. Lorelei say, not looking up from my sheet music. I heard a soft trot enter the room, but still did not look up. "Now, tell us a little bit about yourself," Ms. Lorelei said. "Uuuh, ok. Hey everypony, wuzzup," I heard an unfamilliar voice say. It was definately female, although it was quite deep. "I'd really like it if you ponies just call me Pon3. Or Scratch. Nah, just call me Pon3. Anyways, I was born in Ponyville, I'm pretty good with music, you all know how old I am, bla bla bla," I raised my eyebrow at this, but still not looking up. What kind of pony uses THAT as a first-day speech? Poor filly, will probaly end up a loser, like me.

"The point is, I have one, and ONLY one, simple goal," the filly then paused, probably for dramatic effect. "TO BE A FULL-BLOWN AWESOME DJ, AWWWW YEAAAA!" The filly ended her speech like that, causing me to look up. Everypony else didn't seem wierded out by the new filly, despite her poor speech. They all look interested in wanting to be her friend. I looked in front to see the filly. Oh. No wonder.

Her coat was white and her mane was two shades of blue, cut into a stylish mane-cut. I couldn't quite see her eyes, they were covered with a pair of purple shades. Her head was bobbing to the music from the headphones she was wearing on her head. She looked like a super cool pony.

Great, I thought to myself, ANOTHER cool pony, ANOTHER load of insults to me.

She seemed optimistic and bright, a little bit like the opposite of me. I'm, like Black Keys said, dull.

"Alright, Miss Pon3, pick a seat," Ms. Lorelei said, motioning to all the empty seats in the class. There was one next to me since nopony wants to sit next to a loser like me. I doubt Pon3 would want to either. She'll probaly sit in front of me, though, with Neon Lights. Neon was practically the stallion version of Pon3, and I'm just glad he barely talks in class, so he doesn't make fun of me THAT much. As I expected, the new filly walked towards the empty seat right in front of me. Oh, wonderful, she can easily turn around and whisper insults to me. I sighed.

But my eyes went wide as she walked past the empty seat beside Neon.... and plunked down to the seat next to me. Oh, no. Now she can EASILY tease me, can't she? But to my surprise, she turned to me and grinned.

"Heyo, wazzup? You look like a pretty cool pony so, like, I just sat here. I hope you don't mind, or do you have a reason why you sit alone? Am I not supposed to sit here? Cause if I'm not, I could sit somewhere else. Uuuh, you still in there?" She asked, waving a hoof in front of my eyes when I didn't respond.

Did she just say I look cool? Did little Miss Awesome say I look cool?

"Like, seriously, I could move or something if I-" she started but I interrupted. "No, it's fine." I told her. She smiled. "Ok, then. So, hey, I was, like, thinking, so we're gonna sit next to each other for, like, the WHOOOOLE year, so you might as well call me by my real name, Vinyl, cause we're gonna be BEST friends, you know, unless you already have one," she continued blabbing. I responded to her by shaking my head no. "Great! So, what's your name," she asked me.

"Octavia Melody, but you can call me Octavia," I said, stretching my hoof out so she could shake it. She grabbed my hoof and started shaking it so hard. "Cool name, Octi!" She said. Octi? I told her to call me Octavia, and she called me Octi? Well, I'm just going to let it go.

"Aww, poor Vinyl. Has to sit next to Octo-Freak for a whole year. It's not to late to change, I got an empty seat next to me," Black Keys suddenly said, pushing off Lyra, the mare who sat next to him. Lyra grumbled and moved to the back of the class to sit with Bon Bon, one of our classmates.

"Ok, first of all, it's Pon3 to you. Only my best friends, like Octi, can call me Vinyl. Second of all, NO WAY! I mean, wouldn't you wanna sit with your best friend if you could? Well, if you had any," Vinyl said, smirking. Keys blushed at this and it was a no-brainer that he had a crush on Vinyl, which wasn't surprising.

"Foals! Today is a special day, cause today we have another foal to join our class!" Ms. Lorelei announced. The class looked up in interest. Next to Ms. Lorelei, a stallion unicorn was waving to all of us. His coat was neon blue and his mane was bright yellow.

"Hello, everypony. My name is Symhony. I really like playing the violin, and I hope I'll get better at it here in Ponyville's School of Music, my previous school is Ponyville's School of Magic, but I'm not really interested in magic, soo, yeeaaa," he said. "Ok, then, Symphony, pick a seat," Ms. Lorelei said. He sat in front of me. He was kinda cute, and I found myself liking him. He whirled around and waved to Vinyl. Vinyl smiled and gave him a hoof bump. Of course. It didn't surprise me if he had a crush on Vinyl, she was the cool one.

"Sup, Symph! Can't believe we finaly got to attend this awesome school, right? Oh, yeah, and you HAVE to check out my awesome friend!" Vinyl exclaimed, suddenly pulling me into a hug. "This is Octi! Octi, meet Symph!" She said. I froze when he flashed a smile at me and waved. "You two bond since you guys are, like, my best friends! Oh, I just thought of something! Ms. Lorelei!!" Vinyl said, suddenly trotting up to our teacher in the front, leaving me with Symphony.

"She's got a lot of energy, huh?" Symphony said. I grinned. "Yes, but she's my best AND only friend here, so I'll just let her do her thing," I responded. He raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, 'only friend'? You look like the type of mare who would get tons of friends," he asked. I sighed. "Yes, well, don't judge a book by it's cover," I said, shrugging.

There was a long pause.

"Well, I'm your friend, Octi," He said. I blushed. "Actually, my name is Octavia. Octavia Melody," I said. He nodded. "I kinda guessed your name wasn't REALLY Octi, it's just one of Vinyl's things," he said. I tilted my head in confusion. "Oh, it's nothing. Vinyl just likes to shorten ponies names, like mine. Though I really like your nickname. Octi. It sounds nice," he said. I blushed. "Yea, I like the name Symph," I responded. He smiled. "I knew Vinyl eversince we were first born. Our parents were best buddies, and so were we. We were alike, and we both always go to the same school and stuff. I've learned to just roll with everything she does," he shrugged.

He turned back to look to the front and Vinyl plunks back into her seat.

I smiled. This might not end long, but having friends just for a LITTLE while was awesome.

Because Octavia is best pony. And, yes, Octi's full name is Octavia Melody. A few OC's are in this story, like Ms. Lorelei, Black Keys and Symph. Here's a thought, I need more OC's in this story. So why don't I add in yours? If you want your OC in the story, Private Message me and I'll give you the details. Well, that's all for now! See ya!

-DJ Dash13

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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