Alex Mikasacus Needs a Hug

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I was in the familiar spot I usually was when editing videos for my friends. A video for whoever asked, really. Mostly my friends' channels, and it was usually a Sleep Deprived video.
This was one of those nights, Mika had texted me a few weeks ago asking if I could edit this episode so he could take a break. This wasn't an uncommon experience, as he occasionally asks for breaks so I wasn't really worried. This episode was unlike the others, however.
Apandah, Aztro, and Mika normally have no issues communicating with each other. Conversation flows naturally between the trio and they typically talk for a few hours even after recording. While editing this video, however, I noticed that Mika only talked when one of the others asked how he was doing and if they should reschedule the recording. Obviously, I cut those parts out so the finished product wouldn't raise any flags with the viewers. When prompted with the question, Mika would perk up for a few minutes before letting the other two carry the episode.
I stopped editing for a few minutes to check my messages and get a snack, my thumb hovering over the DM I have with Mika. After clicking on it I type out:

Editing the new episode, almost done!

Normally, he loves to hear about what I have to say about the episode and anything I would change about his typical editing style. This time, his response was sent as quickly as the typing bubble had popped up. His messages were never this short, and my concern was rising by the second.

Sounds good.

"Sounds good."???? Really? What was going on? His typical bubbly personality was normally detectable even over text, but this message was so dry it pained me. I knew if I just responded over text, he would definitely just be dry again so I decided to call him.
The phone rang for what seemed like an eternity, I chewed on my nails as I waited for him to pick up. "Hello," his raspy voice answered. "Mika, what's going on," I ask, confusion evident in my tone.

"Nothings going on, dude, what are you talking about?" I'm unfazed by his reply because it's exactly what I assumed he would say. "I'm not stupid, Mika," I retort, probably coming across more assertively than I meant. "I know something is wrong. Your message was short and dry, and you hardly talk to anyone in this episode. Before you stopped recording, you said 'Actually I'm heading out for the night' when Aztro asked for a quick game. Please tell me what's wrong, I'm really worried," I cringe at my desperate attempt to get him to open up to me. To be honest, I always get anxious over the wellbeing of my friends. Maybe I do get more worried about Mika, but I can't help it. He's my motivation to even wake up!
"Don't flip out like you usually do, okay? I'm just, I don't know," he hesitates before continuing his thought, "I've just been really depressed recently. More than usually. It's really screwing with my head... it's hard having a job that solely relies on interaction; whether or not it's talking blankly to my audience or recording a video with friends. I just wish I never got myself into this industry. It takes a lot and honestly, I'm running out of the social energy I need for it. I'd rather rot in my bed and stare at the ceiling... I feel so empty, it doesn't matter what happens to myself or my career anymore," Mika finishes, halfway rambling towards the end. "I'm going to go," Mika tries, hardly articulating his words through a quavering voice.
I stop him before he can hang up. "Mika, stop. I'm coming over. We can watch a movie or something and I'll cook for you! Just don't move from your bed. Take a power nap if you need, just relax until I get there."
Ah, the perks of living near one of your closest friends. My plan was to hang out with him, make sure he got a shower and food in his stomach, and safely get him to sleep. I know he struggles with sleep, so I planned to make him feel as comfortable as possible.
On the way to his house, I stop by a convenience store and pick up his favorite snacks and drinks, and a little matching sleep set we both can wear while we watch a movie. Pulling into his driveway, I lightly tap the door before using the spare key he had given me years ago. When I walk in, his depressed state of mind is reflected in his home. Containers of food left in the living room, dishes left unattended, clothes on the ground. The bathroom was littered with towels and clothes. The hallway was mostly clear except for a few totes of art supplies. I walked down to the door at the end of the hall and knock before entering his bedroom. Mika lies asleep on his bed, following my instruction to take a nap.
Impulsively, I decide to tidy up the rest of his house while he continues to sleep.
After a job well done, I return back to his bedroom door and enter again. I sit gently on the edge of his bed and lightly rub his shoulder to wake him.
"Mika, I'm here," I say softly, as to not startle him. He stirs in his sleep and eventually opens his eyes.the corners of his mouth curl into a smile, and he sits up to wrap me in a hug. I discreetly blush at the feeling of his bare torso engulfing my clothed one, but revert to my coherent state when he pulls away. "Come on," I say, leading him through the house into the living room. I sense his mood change to something like guilt, and he becomes even quieter than before. "You didn't have to clean," he states blankly. He looks at me with a sad smile, grateful for my kindness but sad that he was too depressed to do the job I completed.
"I want to help you, Mika. You'll never understand how much I care for you," I reply, wrapping my arms tightly around him in a hug.
His head was buried in my shoulder, and I could feel his breath on my neck. I've always vowed to never let go of a hug first, so I stayed until he pulled away. This hug was a hug that definitely put a little more pep in his step. He only really talks to a few people, myself included, and I think maybe he just needed some face to face interaction. I know he struggles a lot without it because he talks about disliking the quarantine. Feeling his arms around me was another experience. I guess neither of us realized how much we really needed a hug. Somehow, this hug turns into both of us sharing happy tears. Just excited to be in the presence of each other.
We move to the couch, I sit down on the far right side and Mika lays down with his head in my lap. I turn on a random cheesy Netflix comedy, and we get into a binge loop of them. I lightly toy with his hair, brushing it with my fingers and playing with his brown curls. "Mika," I say, checking the time, "we should go to sleep now. He groans in annoyance and hesitates before sitting up. He stands, grabbing my hand and helping me off the couch. He giggles before running towards his bedroom, dragging me by my hand. He swings me towards the bed to where I'm laying on it flat on my back. He lays on the bed too, his head on my chest and his arms firm around my torso. He plants light kisses all around my bed before going to sleep. Editing that video will have to wait, I suppose.

Alex Mikasacus Needs a Hug (one shot, Mikasacus x reader)Where stories live. Discover now