Chapter 13

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Third-Person POV

From an outsider's POV, the budding relationship between Aurelia and Eolande was something magical to behold. The two of them, so different and yet so alike, moved around each other like celestial bodies, each drawn to the other's gravitational pull.

Eolande, the Heart of Stone, was known for her stoic demeanor and unwavering commitment to her people. She was an entity of ethereal beauty, her strength and charisma commanding respect from all of Trolltopia. Yet, with Aurelia, she showed a side of her that was gentle and tender. Her eyes softened when she looked at Aurelia, her strong hands showing a gentle touch when they brushed against Aurelia's.

Aurelia, on the other hand, was a woman of courage and heart. She had stepped into an unfamiliar world, navigating through it with grace and resilience. She had won the hearts of the trolls with her kind nature and genuine interest in their culture. And as days passed, it was clear that she had won Eolande's heart as well. Her eyes would light up when Eolande was around, her laughter more vibrant, her smiles brighter.

Their connection was palpable, their moments filled with shared glances and soft touches. And when they were alone, when the world around them faded into insignificance, they found solace in each other's company. They would talk about their dreams, their fears, their hopes for the future, their conversations flowing as smoothly as the river that ran through the heart of Trolltopia.

One particular evening, as the stars began their nightly dance across the sky, Eolande and Aurelia found themselves at their favorite spot overlooking the village. Eolande held Aurelia close, her arm wrapped around Aurelia's waist, their fingers interlocked. She rested her chin on Aurelia's shoulder, her eyes reflecting the twinkling stars above.

Their conversation had dwindled into a comfortable silence, the quiet of the night punctuated by the distant sounds of nocturnal creatures. As the breeze rustled the leaves around them, Eolande whispered into Aurelia's ear, "I want to be part of your journey, Aurelia. I want to stand by you, protect you, guide you."

With a soft smile, Aurelia turned to face Eolande, her eyes brimming with a mix of emotions. "And I want that too, Eolande," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

That moment, under the starlit sky of Trolltopia, marked the beginning of a beautiful chapter in their lives—a chapter filled with promises of a shared journey, of love and companionship, of a bond stronger than any force in the universe. For Eolande and Aurelia, it was the start of their shared destiny, a destiny that was as magical and profound as their blooming romance.

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