18 | The Brochure

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Song - Title Music (Ezra) and Love Theme (Ezra)


18 | The Brochure

Hinduja Rao Dogra

5th May 2023 [0030 hrs.]

When I was in the second year of my bachelor's, there was a small tiffin center just twenty meters away from the main gate of my university.

The owner of the tiffin center was Banu, a sunny-faced middle-aged fellow. Banu had a wife named Aasha and two daughters, the older one was fifteen, while the younger one was ten. Though they had a proletarian background, together the family of four looked perfect. In other words, flawlessly ideal. Just behind the tiffin center, Banu had a small wooden house where he lived along with his picture-perfect happy family.

The world would go haywire, the sun would cease its revolutions and blast on its own axis, but Banu's smile would still remain intact, and all thirty-two of his betel nut-stained teeth would still be on full display. His ear-to-ear grins, saccharine words, warm nitid eyes, and the free cups of tea and coffee, along with a twenty-rupee plate of two Vadas and sambhar from his humble little food abode, were a classic favorite of the college-going student mass, especially the hostelers and the professors. A source of relief from the watery rasam and rice that was termed and served as 'food' in the hostel mess.

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