part 1: the start

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It was a Wednesday at roughly 1 pm, the kids were at lunch and Mr. BBL and Mr. Gyatt we're all alone in a classroom. Mr. Gyatt was grading the tests his students took earlier when he looked up and saw Mr. BBL staring into his eyes... Suddenly, Mr. BBL got up and walked over and gave him a big smooch on the lips. Shocked, Mr. Gyatt pulled away but he regretted it and Mr. BBL left the room embarrassed. Mr. Gyatt didn't know what to do and started crying, his students then came back from lunch. A few moments later while he was teaching he dropped a pen so he leaned over to grab it but his booty was so big his pants ripped, he was so disappointed in his big booty that he ran out of class to the bathroom. As he ran in the staff restroom, Mr. BBL was in there taking a piss. Quickly he turned around to see who ran in the bathroom while he was in there and was shocked when he saw that it was Mr. Gyatt. Neither of them knew what to do so Mr. Gyatt tried to leave, but Mr. BBL stopped him. Then they kissed... It was passionate and juicy but they weren't expecting what happened next.

As they were kissing, Cole walked in to make sure that Mr. Gyatt was okay and was heartbroken when he saw what was happening. By the time Cole had walked in, Mr. BBL was shirtless and ready to rumble. Mr. Gyatt was so scared that he grabbed his rose toy and ran away and hid in a supply closet.

Worried, Mr. BBL looked everywhere for him but couldn't find him... That was until he heard vibrations coming from a certain supply closet. When he opened the door Mr. Gyatt was on the ground using his rose toy. That was when Mr. BBL said,
"Can I join you?"
He then took the rose toy, shut the door, and then he got a lil frisky.
"Wow you are good at that" said Mr. Gyatt
And Mr. BBL replied with "I would be better if you helped me."
That was when ✨ IT ✨ happened...
There were rumors about it but no one knew it was true...

A few days later the rumors faded but they still couldn't tell anyone what they did that day. After school ended and all the teachers went home, Mr. Gyatt stayed to catch up on work, he thought he was alone in the school but then Mr. BBL walked in, fire in his eyes
"It's time" he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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