Chapter 1

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I couldn't believe this. I couldn't fucking believe that bastard.

I slammed down my phone, just getting off of a call with the lawyer. Steam was probably coming out of my ears at this point. I have been trying for a whole month to get my inheritance after my father died two months ago, now I find out that I have to be married for a whole goddamn year before I can get it.

This was just fucking lovely.

Who the hell would I marry in such short notice? And who would even be willing to do it? Of course he had to make this so complicated!

My eyes flicker to the door when I here someone come in. It was my assistant, Genevieve Mayfield.

Maybe it isn't that complicated..

I look her up and down. She was beautiful and smart. She was exactly what I needed. I lean forward in my seat, a predatory smile forming on my face.

"Genevieve. Perfect timing. Sit." I demanded, motioning to the chair in front of my desk. "I have a proposition for you."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I had walked into his office to drop off contracts and documents he needed to look over and sign. That's all. I did not expect for this to happen.

I worked for the famous Zayn Anderson, CEO of the most popular fashion chain in America, _______. I was his assistant. I've worked for him about three years now, so I was used to his insane ideas. But this one sure took the cake.

I had raised an eyebrow at him, but did as I was told. I sat in the chair in front of his desk, curious.

"I've been having an...issue..lately with my inheritance." Zayn Anderson started, obviously choosing his words wisely. He still held that smile on his face that made me a bit uncomfortable. "My father has been making me jump through many hoops for me to get my inheritance of the family fortune and manor. I recently discovered I must marry for a year before I can get it. It's a ridiculous request but nonetheless he demanded it."

He paused, waiting for my reaction and response.

I looked at him warily, suspecting where he was going with this. He's got to be joking, right?

"And what exactly does this have to do with me?" I still held my eyebrow raised.

"As I have said," He still held that predatory smile. "You are the only one in this company who fits my... particular needs.." He stroked his chin gently as he stared intently at me, eyeing me up and down.

"Your needs?" I narrowed my eyes a bit, slightly loathing the gaze he held on me. "You could literally marry any girl, stay with her for a year and divorce her. Why does it matter who she is or what she does?"

"My father was a cynical man. He wouldn't have demanded it if he thought I'd just choose a random girl off the street. He knew I'd be specific with my choice, making it more difficult for me to get my inheritance. He knows I'm a bit picky in my taste of things, especially women." Zayn Anderson shrugged slightly. "He may be dead but his will is still strong. He has demanded this, so I must play along with his game for the next twelve months, so I can inherit what's rightfully mine."

I crossed my arms with a frown. He really wasn't joking. God, this man was insane.

"So you want me to marry you, just so you can get more money?"

"It isn't fully about the money. It's so I can get what rightfully belongs to me." He sighed. "But yes, I do need you to marry me so I can do this."

I could not believe him. He expects me to marry him just like that? What the hell do I exactly get out of this?

"What exactly would I get out of this.... arrangement?" I looked at him warily.

"Anything your heart so desires." He shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "You will have a room in the manor, and you will get paid very well.

"That desperate for the inheritance, hm?" I chuckled slightly.

I mulled this idea over. It was crazy to marry my boss just so he can get his stupid inheritance. Yet, this had benefits for me as well. I already had a pretty good salary thanks to this job, but a lot of money was going towards bills and loans that needed to be paid off, sometimes I barely made rent because even just an apartment was so expensive these days. If it weren't for my parents I wouldn't exactly have these problems.

It was decided.

Zayn was sitting there patiently, waiting for my response.

"Fine. I'll do it."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"Wonderful." I leaned forward once more, a predatory smile plastered on my face again. "I look forward to spending a year with you, darling."

I was honestly surprised Genevieve said yes, but happy she did. She was perfect for the role. She already knew most things about me, so we can skip past that part. We can easily have the wedding as soon as possible. She was also quite pretty, I had to admit. She looked gorgeous as the sun that peaked from between the curtains behind me shone on her skin. Her tanned skin glowed. The light made her eyes shine a bit of gold instead of their usual amber.

I extended my hand out towards Genevieve, speaking in a deep and stern voice. "I should warn you though, I am rather dominant in nature, and will require complete obedience from you."

"Well, unfortunately for you," She took my hand, a smirk now on her face. I was surprised how soft and warm her hands were against mine."I'm rather dominant myself. So we'll have to see who ends up on top."

She then released my hand. She got up, walking out, sending me a slightly flirtatious wink as she left.

I was slightly shocked by this. I knew she wasn't one to let herself be bossed around, but I did not expect her to completely challenge me back. She did not seem the type to be sexually dominant.

I watched her leave with a smirk growing on my face.

'This one is going to be fun..' I thought to myself.

I looked forward to the next year and the ways I can break her dominant spirit. She made this game my father set up a lot more fun.

Word Count: 1096

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