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DATE/Time: 29/1/24 [29th October 2024]/21:57

Hi Sierra, 

People, or even you wouldn't even know who "Sierra" is. It's a codename I made for when I want to talk about you to people without outright dropping your name. Your name is quite unique, rarely coming across it in my short travels of life. 

Though I'm writing this letter to say that I thank you for defining a whole year of my young life. A year where my mind got centered to you. I thank you for the lessons you made me learn, and the lessons I might've given you. 

Though honestly, I don't know what kind of lessons you'd learn from me. 

 Though it's something I, To this day, Still lack, You've taught me... Sensitivity.  And what you've also taught me is not to be greedy, especially with the people around me.  You've taught me to appreciate the little things in life, and to cherish them. 

You were precious to me, but I didn't realize to cherish you; You were an ideal to me, someone to chase. 

Because of that, I did things I'm not supposed to at times Inappropriate. And to that, I'm sorry. I tried to be more to you, and I tried making you more than what you are to me. And to that, I apologize. Because I idealized you, I was infatuated with you, And I thought I loved you. 

I still don't know if I really did, but I know I don't now.

But now, things are... Hollow. I've realized quickly that it's because I don't have anyone to chase anymore after you're gone. And that's my fault.

Where you've gone, though... Is a place I've never expected you to be. I never expected you to indulge in things like that, but you're gone now. You seem to be happy over there, with the high colored lights and blazing music, and the intoxicating drinks and atmosphere. I'm not going to chastise you for doing things I honestly fantasize on doing too, 

But I do somewhat feel concerned for you; As an old friend, now. Wherever you go now, Whatever shenanigans you might do, I hope you stay intact afterwards. 

(悪い日本語はきてる!www 俺の日本語はここまでだな。。)


みんなが、や、が多分でがその名前は知らない。それがコードネームそう言うことだ、君ことを話してときだけど、名前は話ないをために。名前は特殊だからね, 短い命でほとんど見ていないんだ。



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