八 | Return

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No ones pov

In the morning, the hashiras were arriving for the trial. The insect and water hashira arrived first. Shinobu went inside the hut and lifted up her sleeve dropping the phoenix off in the shadows.

"Natori! I'm glad you're alright, I missed you!" Kyojuro exclaimed as he arrived. To her surprise, she was taken aback after he suddenly hugged her, "I knew you were going to be fine!"

Shinobu smiled, "You should have seen Rengoku's reaction when he heard you got lost and after hearing you were facing upper rank one, he-" she got interrupted by the said man.

"I was just worried, that's all! Nothing more!" Kyojuro let Natori go who landed on the ground looking up at him, "Thanks I guess."

The serpent hashira arrived next, after hearing the phoenix was found he hurried to the meeting place. He intented to thank her before the rest of his colleagues arrive.

But to his surprise, she apologised first, "sorry for yanking you in the air."

"I understand your intention so...thanks." he replied before going to his spot, on a tree. "

Soon, the other hashiras came except for the wind hashira. They all greeted the phoenix who returned the hello before answering all their questions. They wanted to know more about the boy and the demon girl she was with.


"Wait Shinazugawa. Please don't hurt her." Natori raised her voice. She didn't dare to step forward or else, the sunlight will burn her.

"Ha?" Sanemi scoffed, "how dare you to tell me what to do?"

An irk mark appeared on her head, she never got along with him because she was demin and it might never change. "It wasn't a request, but a warning."

He pointed his sword at her, "you dare to threaten me?"

"It doesn't hurt to accept another one, like I said, she's nice and cute." the mythical bird added.

Kyojuro placed a hand on his shoulders, "Mitsuri is right, we shouldn't act on our own, let's wait for Oyakata-sama to arrive."

Sanemi pushed his hand away and before he could say anything else, Natori announced the master's presence who arrived alone, "Oyakata-sama has arrived!"

Everyone bowed.

"What a beautiful day," he started, "glad to see everyone here as well as you Natori. I would be sad if I don't hear from you again."

"I'm also glad that I'm back. I must admit, I like it here." Natori replied with a smile, "I was so relieved that upper rank one stopped to chase after me."

Oyakata-sama hummed before turning to the hashiras again to explain Nezuko's case. He also let Natori to add some words after reading the letter. She can confirm that she didn't eat humans after knowing her.

"Let's see if she's really able to resist her hunger." the wind hashira started and Natori gasped. She knew what he was going to do because he did the same to her on their first mission together. It didn't end well and they were banned to travel together.

Oyakata-sama didn't say anything because the test will tell everything.

Sanemi yanked the box inside the hut and Natori needed to duck since it almost hit her. She glared at him because she knew he did it on purpose.

Like anticipated, he stabbed the box and Tanjiro didn't like it, he was soon pressed down by Iguro. His sister shall prove herself.

Natori's demon pupils constricted more thinner as she looked away. She can control herself but her behaviour will change; her pupils constricted like an eagle who spotted their prey.

Nezuko turned away and it was clear that she won't assault humans.

Then, Shinobu told them to rest in her estate and Natori should tag along too to help out. Many serious injuried slayers were found in Mt. Natagumo. Normally the ones with many broken and twisted bones won't survive but maybe she could save them. The phoenix knew Shinobu had more tears from her to save them but it was the best to leave the meeting.

"Sorry that I didn't stop him," Natori's voice was heard behind a blanket that covered a bird cage, "the test was necessary for them to check if she really can restrain herself."

"I understand," Tanjiro replied, he thought she went through the same test too which was true.

At the butterfly estate they were greeted by laughter from Zenitsu and Inosuke who just consumed the medicine with the phoenix' tear.

"Amazing, my arm are normal again and nothing hurts!" Zenitsu exclaimed.

"My throat feels fresh!" Inosuke yelled.

Tanjiro smiled at them, "I'm glad you guys are fine. And Zenitsu, you did enter the forest, how brave of you!"

The kakushi let the phoenix out in some corner where the sun couldn't reach her and left with the bird cage.

Tanjiro also received the medicine and all injuries were gone withing seconds.
"You're amazing Natori. Even as a demon, your ability to heal people is truly amazing!"

Natori blushed, "Hehe... thank you."

Many puffy flowers pinned around her

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Many puffy flowers pinned around her.

A guy entered named Murata, he complained that they had it good, instead, he had to face the hashiras who looked down at him and his comrades. Then he spotted the phoenix at the corner.

"The phoenix is also here?" Murata began, "from what I heard from the others, this bird is smaller than I thought..."

Murata started to approuch her, "...and she produce all these tears to heal us? I wonder why so many are scared of her, she looks cute."

Her dot eyes turned back to their human eyes with demon pupil as she looked at him, "because I'm also a demon."

"Ah!" Murata flinched, "Sorry!"

"Ara, it's lively here." Shinobu announced her presence and Kyojuro was behind her.

"Hello Kocho-sama, Rengoku-sam! Goodbye!" Murata left in a hurry.

"Goodbye!" Shinobu said back and turned to Natori, "Goodbye to you too~"

Kyojuro turned around and lifted his cape, after saying bye to everyone she flew towards him and clenched on his belt before he let go of his cape.

While walking back to Rengoku estate Kyojuro told her that everyone was happy after hearing the news that she returned.

"I miss them too." Natori replied.

Kyojuro: "What about me? You miss me too, right?"

Natori: "Why is that so important to you? I'm not going to say that."

Kyojuro: "Aw c'mon. Just want to hear you say it!"

Natori: "Maybe a tiny bit."

Arrived at his home, Natori was greeted with sincere relieved smiles.

His songbird [R. Kyojuro × Oc! Reader] Where stories live. Discover now