The Guy In The Purple Shirt

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To all my fellow men out there, I know sometimes we think we have women figured out, but we dont, you see i've spent an amount of time trying to figure out what women want, to be honest i dont think they even know themselves, it may seem weird but think about it, women want and expect us to know what their thinkin,but we can possibly know what their thinking unless your a mindreader lol,well let me tell you a little story about a about myself 3yrs ago. It all started when i was in high school, i wasnt the popular guy or the drama guy shit i was a nobody, but a nobody eagar to make a name for himself i tried it all being funny,but people thought it was annoying,i tried acting kool but i just got picked on,it didnt help that i wasnt the best looking guy,heck i dont even think i was decent looking,i went through high school telling myself,not to care what people think of me, that the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" was true,but to be honest words can hurt, i went through high school trying my best to be accepted by the populars, or the girls but nothing worked of course,though i met some amazing people who changed my life in high school, and they stuck by me and got me through what most people would call prison haha, you see even though i was this talkative person, most would sat out going, i was always shy around women who i had feelings for so you could imagine how i'd be acting if the girl im swooned by comes up to me and starts talking haha,it wasnt till like over a year ago when my luck with women finally appeared, for some odd reason i wasnt shy anymore,i was able to sweet talk the women i was interested, get them to see the real me you know, make them see that theres more to me than just the way i look,since then my confidence i has been really high i guess you can say i have a lucky charm, my purple shirt, you see awhile ago i bought this purple shirt and i guess you can say everytime i use it for some odd reason i feel like anythings possible lol talk about crazy right haha, you see recently i hung out with someone who i havent seen in like 4yrs, we use to date in high school and i was in love with her, as a matter of fact i still am, you see as much i wanna be with her i cant, I've told her how i feel and i know she feels the same way but i guess you can call it bad timing haha but even though we cant be together, i have no regrets because, i'd rather have her in my life as a friend,then to not have her in my life at all, cause now i wont have to live asking myself what if?. So i guess what im trying to tell you is dont be afraid to show your feelings, put yourself out there,who cares if you get turned down,its not the end of the world lol at least you wont keep asking yourself what if?. Call me weird, call me idiotic, i dont care because to me i'm always gonna be The Guy In The Purple Shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2013 ⏰

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