Imagine 14: Comfort💜

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requested by MiniDevil793

Pairing: Y/N x Alastor

*Summary: for movie night at the hotel, its Alastor's turn to pick a movie, and he picks Silence Of The Lambs.
The movie makes you feel unsettled, so Alastor tries to comfort you*

*Your POV*

It has become tradition, that every Saturday night, no matter your plans, what you're already doing, or what you're about to do.

Everyone...must join in the Hazbin Hotel's longue, for movie night. 

A habit Charlie thought of, thinking that perhaps if everyone sat down and watched a movie together, we might actually find some common ground, or possibly a movie scene might have us erupt in a heart-to-heart chat about our feelings or problems. 

Though so far, no one has expressed their feelings over a sappy, sad, romantic scene in a movie. You all are demons; such moments won't make you confess yourself to anyone in less than two seconds.

Beside that, tonight happens to be Saturday. Thank God it wasn't Angel Dust's turn like it was last weekend. His movies always leave you with a very...unsettled and disgusted, feeling.

Though you have to admit as well, every movie Alastor picks also leaves you unsettled, but not in a cringe way, more or less in a...frightened, way.

Alastor loves horror movies, and the creepiest part about it is, Alastor's smile always grows wider whenever a scary scene appears on screen. While everyone else is cowering under blankets and pillows, Alastor laughs. 

And dread fills your stomach when you realize that tonight is Saturday, and while you sit on the couch beside Charlie, who sits beside Vaggie, you watch as Alastor searches the movies, humming under his breath. 

Hmm, what horrifying, disgusting yet entertaining picture show will Alastor pick tonight, he wonders?

Aha! That's it!

Silence of The Lambs. 

Cannibalism...his favorite! Though he isn't too keen on the other parts of the movie, he does look past that just to enjoy the cannibal moments. 

You groan under your breath seeing the movie he picked. Of course, you've never seen it, you've only ever heard. But seriously...this was expected of Alastor. He is a cannibal, after all. A very proud one, in fact. 

As the opening scene of the movie plays, Alastor snaps his fingers so that the longue lights flicker off, leaving you and the rest of the Hazbin the dark. Only to add more to the already tensed people around you. 

Charlie softly brings the blanket close to her chest, dreading that it was going to be another horror movie again. She shouldn't even let Alastor have a vote to be begin with. 

You feel the couch shift as Alastor's body plops itself down next to yours, crossing one leg over the other while his left arm rests on the couches armchair, his red eyes locked on the TV with focus, and amusement, and...excitement. 

You roll your eyes as you fold your arms. 

Angel Dust sits on the floor at the end of the right side of the couch, munching on a bowl of popcorn he refuses to share with anyone. Husk is passed out drunk on a recliner chair, and Niffty sits on top of the couch's cushion above you and Alastor's heads. 

Alastor x Reader Imagines❤ ✓[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now