arcade date👾

891 22 18

"wherever you're goin', i'm goin' the same.."


it was now 5:55 pm and momona, leah, and kenna were on their way to pick you up. you got off of the call with leah a couple minutes ago. You were just taking pics of yourself to post later. you heard momona pull up in the driveway and shout you're name.

you ran downstairs almost falling down the stairs out of excitement. You sprayed some perfume on yourself, and went out the front door making sure you had you're key and locked it.

you saw leah and kenna waving at you while momona was on the phone with somebody. "hey n/n!!" all the girls said momona finally taking notice of you.

'hey guys,' you said smiling at them getting into the car. momona's phone was propped again the a stand and it was on speaker.

you could hear walkers voice through the screen. "hey y/n" walker said smiling widely his eyes, brightening and waving to you like a child. "hi krafty kid" you said playfully smirking at him.

"ok, wow that's where i draw the line miss ma'am" he said rolling his eyes, with a sassy tone. you hummed chuckling a bit before talking to the girls again. you all took pics with each other and watched Avatar: The last Airbender(live action series because in this it alr came out).

you eventually arrive at the arcade. You wait in the car a little longer, and see that aryan finally pulled up. you saw walker come out of the car in a grey nike sweat suit. he was wearing some cool grey dunks with his outfit.

his curly dirty blonde hair framing his face. he looked really good and you guys were matching in a way with the blue. 'wait i'm not supposed to be thinking about that, even if it's true! get yourself together!' you thought

you and the girls got out of the car, and saw walker and aryan walking over to where you guys were.

"hey guysss!!" aryan said greeting us. walker said the same thing but a bit monotone. we went inside the arcade and looked around.

"so who's going with who?" kenna said raising her right brow. we all looked at each other and was stumped. we didn't plan this out well enough.

meanwhile kenna, aryan, walker, and i were stumped leah and momona looked at each other with an idea in mind. "mm how about aryan goes with kenna," momona started pointing at the two.

they were best friends(ARYAN HAS A GF DO NO SHIPPING HIM AND KENNA) after all so it made sense to pair them up. "and momona and I will be a pair!" leah said smiling at clapping her hands.

"so that leaves me and walker?" you said tilting you're head a bit. walker and i looked at each other and smiled awkwardly. we've never been alone together before and it didn't help that you said he looked good in your head earlier.

"oh umm ok, where do you wanna go y/n" walker asked me. the others had went off to play games, and walker and i were just standing around awkwardly.

"umm how about we get some points first!" you said smiling at him gently, as you clutched you're bag. walker nodded and began walking to the points machine.

you followed beside him and non visible sweat on you're forehead why were you so nervous? he's just a friend right?

you guys made it to the machine and you pulled out your card to pay for the points, but walker stopped you half-way. "i'll pay for it!" he said smiling at you.

gosh he looked really pretty. "oh ok sure," you said a small blush arising on your cheeks. you didn't expect him to offer to pay, but you we're gonna take it. no money spending for you!

screentime I walker scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now