十 | Mugen Train

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Natori's pov

"Natori, I have a mission!" Kyojuro shouted.

"Coming!" I swallowed my last small charcoal in the chimney before joining him.

As I felt he was going to sit down I hopped on the table in a unfamiliar place.

"Wow, is this the larger version of a streetcar?" I asked as I looked around.

"You're not wrong, it's a train, a series of connected railway carriages or wagons moved by a locomotive or by integral motors." he explained, "make sure nobody sees you, I don't think birds are allowed here."

With that being said, I shrinked turning into a sparrow sized version of myself and hopped besides him on the seat next to the window.
"No one will see me in this size." I said, "If you don't mind, I sleep for a while. Wake me up if something happens."



"Hm? Why is it so quiet?" I asked myself as I opened my eyes again, "everyone is asleep..."

There were some children with ropes on their wrist attached to each slayer. Why? I thought.

I turned bigger flying around in the train until I felt something coming from behind. I dodged and spat fire, the flesh tentacle retreated as it burned to ashes.

The train was a demon.

Another flesh tentacle emerged but it didn't attack me, instead it opened a window. It wants me to fly outside...

I did to find the culprit and soon, I saw him on the top of the train. I landed behind him and after a while he turned around to face me with a grin.

"Didn't know the phoenix herself will sit in my train, I feel honored." lower rank one, Enmu began, "He gave me his precious blood and now after tonight, I will gain more!"

The way he talked... he disgusted me.

"Keep dreaming, he won't." I said as I flew towards him with an incredible speed. I spat fire on him but to my surprise he only smiled.

"I'm not afraid of your fire, bird." he raised his hand with the mouth, "sleep."

A wave of tiredness hit me before I collapsed down. I couldn't keep my eyes open.

"Have a sweet dream before you die."

That was all I heard before I blacked out.


"Father! We're out of herbs!" A female teen exclaimed as she entered a pharmacy shop. Who was she? Why was she in distress? Why do I feel connected to her?

Was she me?

"The plague is getting worse and worse..." the father who seemed to be a doctor  mumbled, "...what should I do? There isn't a cure! I can only lower the fever with these!" he held his head in despair, "now your mother has it too..."

"Father where going to find the cure, if not we make one! Your the best doctor remember?" the girl said softly while she patted his back, "I believe in you and I will help you."

His songbird [R. Kyojuro × Oc! Reader] Where stories live. Discover now