dare 75

64 1 1

Me: Okay, reading time. 

Smokescreen: Not again...

Arcee: It's better than babysitting Rin and Nilum again. 

Ratchet: She does have a point. 

After reading 

Me: Well? What did you guys think?

Megatron: It's sad what happened, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Thankfully Brawl at least managed to transform again. 

Starscream: I'm still mad about the orbital station. 

Dreadwing: It's not right for that to happen to such warriors. 

Airachnid: Meh, I don't care. 

Skyquake: I agree with Dreadwing. 

Makeshift: Damn, those guys honestly are amazing. 

Miko: They deserve it. 

Raf: I kinda agree with Miko.

Jack: No one deserves what happened to them. 

June: I fully agree with Jack. 

Fowler: That's at least 5 Cons less. 

Laserbeak: <Poor guys.>

Soundwave: I feel - sorry for - them. 

Knockout: I can't imagine that happening to me *shivers*

Breakdown: Honestly, it would be a nightmare for most of us. 

Shockwave: I find it illogical, but the damages may be reversed. 

Optimus: At least they still have each other. 

Ultra Magnus: The Combaticons are some of the best soldiers of Megatron, if anyone can overcome this it's them. 

Smokescreen: At least they found friends. 

Wheeljack: I honestly don't feel sorry for them at all, in fact I think they should be dead. 

Bumblebee: :;Not being able to transform is horrible.;:

Arcee: I'm curious about how this will continue. 

Ratchet: They're lucky that they're not dead. 

Bulkhead: Honestly, I think a tiny Bruticus would be hilarious. 

Predaking: I don't even know them. 

Skylynx: Me neither. 

Darksteel: Never heard of them. 

Hardshell: I heard they're great warriors but that's all I know. 

Cliffjumper: Glad that we're rid of them. 

Tailgate: I agree with Cliff. 

Me: Well that was everything, hope you enjoyed. 

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