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HARRY AND CASSIE PULLED OUT of their hug, both of their cheeks tinted red as they smiled slightly at each other

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HARRY AND CASSIE PULLED OUT of their hug, both of their cheeks tinted red as they smiled slightly at each other.

"I just saved all our lives..." said Harry. "Get behind here behind this bush — I'll explain."

So, the three jumped behind the bush Harry and Cassie had previously hidden behind, and Hermione listened to everything Harry was saying, mouth dropped.

"Did anyone see you?"

"Yes, haven't you been listening? I saw me but I thought I was my dad! It's okay!"

"Harry, I can't believe it... You conjured up a Patronus that drove away all those Dementors! That's very, very advanced magic."

"I knew I could do it this time," said Harry, "because I'd already done it... Does that make sense?"

"Yes," Cassie said, grinning at Harry. "It makes perfect sense to me — but I'm smart."

"Guys, look at Snape!" Hermione instructed.

They peered around the bush at the other bank. Snape had regained consciousness. He was conjuring stretchers and lifting the limp forms of Harry, Hermione, Cassie, Aurora, Callie and Sirius onto them. Another stretcher, no doubt bearing Ron, was already floating at his side. Then, wand held out in front of him, he moved them away toward the castle.

"Right, it's nearly time," said Hermione tensely, looking at her watch. "We've got about forty-five minutes until Dumbledore locks the door to the hospital wing. We've got to rescue Sirius and get back into the ward before anybody realizes we're missing...."

They waited, watching the moving clouds reflected in the lake, while the bush next to them whispered in the breeze. Buckbeak, bored, was ferreting for worms again.

"Do you reckon he's up there yet?" said Harry, checking his watch. Cassie grabbed his hand and held it tightly.

"Look!" Hermione whispered. "Who's that? Someone's coming back out of the castle!"

They stared through the darkness. The man was hurrying across the grounds, toward one of the entrances. Something shiny glinted in his belt.

"Macnair!" said Harry. "The executioner! He's gone to get the Dementors! This is it, Hermione —"

Hermione put her hands on Buckbeak's back and Harry gave her a leg up. He gave Cassie a leg up and she was sat in front of Hermione and then he placed his foot on one of the lower branches of the bush and climbed up behind her. Harry was now sat in between Cassie and Hermione. Cassie pulled Buckbeak's rope back over his neck and tied it to the other side of his collar like reins.

"Ready?" Harry said to Hermione. "You'd better hold on to me —"

He wrapped his arms tightly around Cassie's waist as she quickly tied her hair back into a low ponytail, and then he nudged Buckbeak's sides with his heels.

Buckbeak soared straight into the dark air. Cassie laughed as she heard Hermione muttering, "Oh, no — I don't like this oh, I really don't like this —"

Harry watched Cassie. Once again, she looked so carefree and happy. The joy on her face was the same as when she first rode Buckbeak. Harry remembered that day like it was yesterday.

They were gliding quietly toward the upper floors of the castle.... Harry pulled hard on the left-hand side of the rope, and Buckbeak turned.

Cassie began counting the windows, before pointing out Flitwick's office window.

"Whoa!" Harry said, pulling backward as hard as he could.

Buckbeak slowed down and they found themselves at a stop. "He's there!" Harry said, spotting Sirius as they rose up beside the window. He reached out, and as Buckbeak's wings fell, was able to tap sharply on the glass.

Sirius looked up and they watched his jaw drop. He leapt from his chair, hurried to the window and tried to open it, but it was locked.

"Stand back!" Hermione called to him, and she took out her wand, still gripping the back of Harry's robes with her left hand.


The window sprang open.

"How — how —?" said Sirius weakly, staring at the Hippogriff.

"Forgetting I'm your guardian angel, are you, Sirius?" Cassie grinned. They all watched as Sirius' face lit up entirely.

"Get on — there's not much time," said Harry, gripping Buckbeak firmly on either side of his sleek neck to hold him steady. "You've got to get out of here — the Dementors are coming — Macnair's gone to get them."

Sirius placed a hand on either side of the window frame and heaved his head and shoulders out of it. In seconds, he had managed to fling one leg over Buckbeak's back and pull himself onto the Hippogriff behind Hermione.

"Okay, Buckbeak, up!" said Harry, shaking the rope. "Up to the tower — come on."

The Hippogriff gave one sweep of its mighty wings and they were soaring upward again, high as the top of the West Tower. Buckbeak landed with a clatter on the battlements, and Harry and Hermione slid off him at once. Harry raised his arms, grabbed ahold of Cassie and gently lifted her down.

"You need to leave, Sirius," Cassie said to him, stroking Buckbeak's head.

"Any minute, they'll arrive at Flitwick's and notice you're missing," Harry told him.

Buckbeak pawed the ground, tossing his sharp head.

"What happened to the other boy? Ron?" croaked Sirius.

"He's going to be okay. He's still out of it, but Madam Pomfrey says she'll be able to make him better. Quick — go —"

Sirius was still staring down at Harry and Cassie.

"How can I ever thank —"

"Come over for a cuppa in the summer," Cassie whispered so only Sirius could hear. He gave her a small nod of his head.

"GO!" Harry and Hermione shouted together as Harry pulled Cassie back to stand by him.

Sirius wheeled Buckbeak around, facing the open sky.

"We'll see each other again," he said. "You are — truly your father's son, Harry..."

He squeezed Buckbeak's sides with his heels and the took off into the air... He and his rider became smaller and smaller as they gazed after them... then a cloud drifted across the moon.... They were gone.

Harry looked at Cassie, intertwining their fingers together. "Do you think he'll be safe?"

Cassie grinned, "I know he will."

A/N: gotta love sirius, im not putting questions in all of the chapters anymore btw!!!!!!

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