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THE START OF SUMMER WAS BEYOND hectic in the Smith household — For starters, Remus Lupin ( their father ) had returned, much to Fran's dismay, and had told all his kids that he did, in fact, leave a note explaining his disappearance

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THE START OF SUMMER WAS BEYOND hectic in the Smith household — For starters, Remus Lupin ( their father ) had returned, much to Fran's dismay, and had told all his kids that he did, in fact, leave a note explaining his disappearance. When he revealed that, it made Cassie and Fran have a huge disagreement, with Sirius Black piping in.

Sirius Black had been staying at the Smith's since he escaped. Turns out, Fran never believed he was the traitor, she believed for the full time it was Peter Pettigrew — Sirius had told Cassie that she definitely got her brains from her mum.

They had hardly seen Azalea, and when they did, Fran gave her the silent treatment. After finding out the full story of what happened during their Christmas break, she was absolutely livid.

Cassie could still remember crying in Remus' and Sirius' arms late at night while they could hear Fran screaming at Azalea.

Aurora had constantly nagged Cassie about her crush on Harry, which, by the way, she was still denying. Everyone in the house ( minus Fran, Sirius and Azalea ) seemed to gang up on Cassie when it came to Harry.

Sirius hated the thought of Cassie and Harry dating— his precious angel was not allowed a boyfriend ever.

Things were awkward between Remus and Fran, and Fran and Cassie. Cassie hated the fact that their mother lied to them all and made them hate their father.

It was like Fran and Remus were taking care of seven children — Aurora, Azalea, Callie, Cassie, Rowan, Forrest, and the biggest child out of all them: Sirius. Sirius was a huge kid at heart, he done everything he could to get in on all the gossip. He was acting a bit like a girl, but they absolutely loved it.

One Tuesday morning, Cassie had made her way downstairs, her eyes wide from what she had heard her mother and Azalea saying.

She took her seat at the dinner table, taking a slice of Sirius' toast and taking a bite. "Where is Buckbeak?" Cassie asked him, "I miss him."

"Somewhere," Sirius shrugged, "He will be back soon — Dumbledore has given me strict orders; The day you go back to Hogwarts is the day I finally move back into my childhood home. I'm absolutely dreading it."

Cassie frowned, "I don't want you to leave," she muttered as Callie placed a cup of hot chocolate in front of Cassie, and a cup of tea in front of Sirius. "Thanks, Cal... Have you heard of Harry yet?"

Callie shook her head, "No," She told her, "I'm sure it's something to do with his horrid uncle and aunt, don't worry about it."

Cassie nodded, though she couldn't help but worry. Soon later, Forrest, Rowan and Aurora entered the kitchen, taking their seats at the dinner table as Fran pulled Remus into the corner to have a 'private chat' with him.

The chat was mostly private — But then they started raising their voices. They usually argued over something small and petty, but this time, it was something bit.

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