This guy again?

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This guy again? We are locked in a PSYCHOTIC PRISON! And he's singing? What is going on in his head.. Hes going mad. Not like I give a shit about him..

I sit in the corner of my cell. Waiting for our TWENTY FUCKING MINUTES OF THE OUTSIDE? What does a man have to do to get out of this place.. Clearly a lot. I've still got Seven years ahead of me and their is no way in possible I'm getting out any sooner.

This is a heads up. I get TWENTY MINUTES A MONTH? ISNT IT SO UNFAIR?? See yeah you agree. Ugh. I Hit my rock off the wall and it makes a mark. HOW DID I NOT FUCKING NOTICE THIS? I COULD ESCAPE!..But wait. What about that idiot I'm so called friends with.He's so stupid. And annoying like a fucking golden retriever.

Can't get he just get a grip? He's so sweet. Like EW? Hes so nice to others. I DONT get why? Hes so annoying. He thinks I'm his FRIEND.. Pathetic.. and like what? But if I leave this place without him I'll feel do bad to keep going. Even though I hate his guts. We have been through a decent amount of stuff together. I cant just leave his ass. But I can't

Their is NO way I could escape this high tec prison.

I FINALLY. Hear a knock on my heavy metal prison door I get up with a frown on my face. I cant let these bitches know they have some excitement left in me.


I hear Trevor's cell being called.


He's.. He's SMILING AT ME? WHAT. How can this fucking person be so excited to see me. People use to call me Down darein. But. He stopped that stupid name.

He rushes towards me.


He yells out smiling

"Hey Trevor.. err.."

"How have you been?"

"Just stuck in a cell this past MONTH. But yeah nothing else."

"Oh yeah! Same!"

I laugh a bit.

"Well.. would you want to walk with me..?"

"what else do I have to do Trevor."

We start to walk

"They gave me a recorder!"

"So that's all the racket coming from your cell?"


"I got a rock."

"WOAH! What did you call it?"

"I didn't call it anything idiot."

A siren starts to play. It's FUCKING MUSIC?

Trevor grabs my arm and starts to dance

"Dance with me Derek! Dance with me!"

"let go of me!"

I hear the guards call our cells.



I let go of his hand and we walk back to our cells.

writers note : flip ur phone when you see the cell numbers >:)

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