A Blind Date

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Suburban Residence


8:00 AM

"Stop right there! You're not really Melissa" exclaimed the man on TV. The main character of a hilariously low-budget, yet unbelievably popular TV show that revolved around the supernatural hidden in modern day. His name was Wes, and he was cheesy to a fault.

The exact reason why the lone resident of the two story semi-detach, smack dab in middle-class suburbia, watched with a casual enjoyment. A seemingly fair skinned woman who sat on a couch, garbed in a loose magenta V-neck and cotton pants, eating a bowl of cereal which sat on her lap.

Wes grabbed hold of Melissa, the surprised blonde, before quickly grabbing the skin of her neck, and ripping off the fleshy mask. Revealing Melissa to be a demon, her true face resembling a reptilian's. Scarlet, scaly, with piercing black eyes and an elongated snout.

Which mirrored the face of the house's resident, save for the eyes which were a piercing yellow, instead of black.

"Psssh" the demonic woman said, before shoving a spoonful of cereal into her reptilian mouth.

"Like that'd ever happen in real life – our masks are way harder to take off..." the woman said, while munching down some hardened bits of grain before swallowing them whole, alongside some milk.

And just to prove the show wrong, she pulled up the mask of her human disguise, which was lying beside her on the couch. And slipped it on, over her somewhat ghastly appearance. The fair skin folding over her otherworldly features, and transforming into a proportionally convincing human face.

White skinned, with long raven hair and hazel brown eyes.

Once the mask was put on, the woman tried to find any region around the underside of her face, to try and remove her mask. The same way that Wes ripped off Melissa's mask, but she couldn't. There was practically nothing to latch onto for leverage.

"Ha, see? I have to be willing to take it off" the woman commented, as she funneled another spoonful of cereal into her mouth when her phone, sitting beside her on the couch, vibrated to life.

'Oh hey, it's Sherry' the woman thought, as she took a look at the text she just received.

[Yo Lily, think you can hand me a copy of the financial files of the last quarter sales for KPMG? I've been looking through the files I have, and I don't seem to have that for some reason]

Lily typed up an appropriate response, and sent it Sherry's way.

[You got it]

Lily watched the remainder of the show that played off her TV, consuming the entirety of her cereal in that time before getting up and putting the empty bowl, and spoon in the kitchen sink. While washing her hands her phone, which was relocated to the countertop beside the sink, vibrated to life.

'A message...from James?' thought Lily, the name catching her immediate interest as she swiped past the lock screen, and into one of the chatrooms in the dating app Hinge. Her heart a flutter, while a smile worked its way onto her face.

Excited to hear whatever it was that James had to say, because in her mind she could only imagine nothing but good things to come her way. Since James was the guy she'd been recently dating, and the first two dates, as far as she was aware, went really well.

But then she saw what James sent her, and immediately her heart sank. Dropping deeper than the furthest pits of hell.

[Hey Lily, listen, I need to tell you something. I had fun with you, but I don't think this is going to work out. You're cool, and all but I just don't think I feel that spark I thought we would have. So I think we should see other people, I'm sorry if this sucks and I hope you find someone who's right for you]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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