The Truth.

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_~ Kazuha POV ~_
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As I exited my 2nd period classroom to go to lunch, I felt a slim hand gently grasp my arm.

I quickly turned around, eyeing the person who had latched onto my arm. Ah! It was Scaramouche.

My shoulders released their tense posture upon seeing the somewhat familiar indigo headed boy. "Can we talk?" He asked, an uncertain look on his face. Well, that saves me the trouble of having to find Scaramouche later at lunch to ask him myabout... the things...

"Sure!" I responded quickly, pulling my arm away from Scaramouche's grasp. "Actually, there was something I needed to ask you so this works out perfectly!" I added. Scaramouche's face eased once I spoke those words.

As we waited for the hall to clear out so we could talk, I noticed Scaramouche seemed a bit... nervous? Did he know what I was going to ask him? It's possible... Mona is his cousin after all.

"So uh, can I ask you something?" I broke the awkward silence between us, stepping a bit closer to Scaramouche. I needed my answers, I couldn't just let these things happen.

Scaramouche nodded, and so I spoke. "I'm not sure how to put this... uhm..." I sputtered my words, unsure of what to say. Should I just flat out say stuff about sexual assault? Or something else? "Could you tell me about why you were expelled?"

I saw Scaramouche's face go pale. He looked like the life had just been sucked out of him. His delicate features looked drained in the dim lighting of the school building halls. What... what is this reaction?!

"A-ah—! Calm down, Scaramouche." I tried to soothe, but Scaramouche seemed even more concerned. Why was he concerned? What even happened? His reaction is just leaving more questions in my head rather than helping me understand what's going on!

"What did he tell you?!" Scaramouche suddenly latched his hands on my shoulders, glaring at me. His look was so unsettling it felt uncomfortable. His eyes were hallowed, almost as if there was no life to begin with. His skin was drained of its color, leaving him paler than he already was. His expression wore a long, empty look.

"Just tell me what happened." I voiced. I needed Scaramouche to tell me exactly what happened. Not just for me to give him context and him elaborate. I needed the whole thing.

Scaramouche released his grip on me, seeming to calm down a bit. "Are you talking about that day?" Scaramouche questioned, it was almost as if he was afraid of asking. This whole thing was out of character for him. Scaramouche wasn't the type to act so skittish, I knew that. Did something really mess him up this bad..?

I nodded, and so Scaramouche went on. "He... touched me." Words were left unsaid, but I don't think they even needed to be voiced. I knew what he meant. He was the victim. Not Heizou's friend. I don't have a doubt. Normal Scaramouche wouldn't put down his pride just to get someone else in trouble.

"Who did..?" I needed a name. Scaramouche needed to be justified. If I don't have a name, then I can't do anything. That hurts me more than anything. I know I've only known Scaramouche for a week, but I care so much for him. It's like, I never want to think he does anything wrong.

"Hei..." Scaramouche never completed that sentence. Chill ran down my spine as he said those words, I immediately knew who he was talking about. The person he was talking about was already too involved. He already said the first part of the name.

But no way in hell. There's no way Heizou would do something like that. I know Heizou can be... touchy, sometimes, but he wouldn't do something like that. I've known him since we were in elementary school! What... what happened..?

I solemnly nodded. Of course, I can't 100% be sure that Heizou was the one who did it, but... I can investigate.

I pulled Scaramouche in for a gentle embrace. I wrapped my arms around him, my forearms resting on his back. He seemed to flinch at the touch, his cheeks a little flushed, but he soon relaxed. The grasp I had on him was... comfortable.

I could feel him slightly shaking, yet it eased as the hug went on. I really hope this comforts him. I don't want him to feel bad about anything, especially when it's not his fault.

"Are you okay?" I whispered into his ear, causing him to flinch once more. I must've just noticed now, but he seems sensitive to physical touch. He doesn't seem to like it much, yet he still lets me hug him. He is even leaning into me a bit, his head against my chest.

He nodded, seeming to space out. God, it was weird seeing Scaramouche like this. He's always so blunt and strong willed, yet right now he seems so fragile.

But something about how weak he seems right now makes my heart flutter. I don't know why. I don't think it's in a crush kind of heart flutter, but it's appealing to see him depend on me right now. Like, I'm the only person who gets to see him like this.

I felt a smile arouse on my face, the corners of my mouth turning slightly up. I started to pat his head. I wanted to just stay like this forever. I don't even care about the Heizou thing right now, it's off my mind. The only thing on my mind is Scaramouche, and I'd like it to stay that way. For a little bit, at least. I don't want him to ever let go of me. I don't want him to show his fragile state to anybody else.

Suddenly, Scaramouche pushed away from me with wide eyes. "D-Don't get involved in this! I don't know what you're thinking, but don't." Scaramouche demanded. He seems to have seen through my intentions. "If you do... he will do something to you." Well, at least I know Scaramouche is telling me not to bring it up to protect myself rather than to find out the truth. Of course, I'm not going to listen to him. I'm sure Heizou won't do anything to me. We've been best friends for years.


Words: 1062

Idk if this chapter is very well written, but oh well ig. Sorry if the reveal seems a little early😭 I was planning to reveal it soon but idk if this is too soon. I also just didn't have anymore ideas on what to write 💀 anyways, see yall next chapter!

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