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It has been three months. I haven't heard from him. I've kept my eyes on the news, waiting for something terrible to happen, but the company recovered from the stock market dip. Everything is fine, and I've been able to escape the guilt.

After many sleepless nights, I'm starting to feel a little more like myself. Two months ago, I picked up a clerical job at a dentist office. The pay cut was significant, but it's enough to get me by. Most importantly, it gave me a new scene. If I were working in accounting again, I would never be able to focus.

The neighborhood has been disturbed by a series of break ins lately. The last one was three weeks ago. I realize that it's time for me to move. The lock at my window isn't the best, and my landlord is taking his sweet time to reinforce it. I'm not too worried, since I don't walk around the neighborhood flashing jewelry. Hell, I don't even have a car.

I've been reading a lot lately. Self-help books instead of my usual guilty pleasure. I've also been jogging in the morning. My cardio has improved to the point that I can run away if Henry showed up again.

I've wondered what he's been up to. He occasionally pops into my mind. Men like him are hard to forget, for all the wrong reasons. After the cryptic words he said to me, I can't help but feel that he's lingering nearby. He promised that he wouldn't let me go so easily, and he's a determined man.

Today, I'm visiting my sister. She has been bored lately and asked me to come entertain her. She would have a field trip with all the drama that has happened to me, but I'm not sharing it. I want to suppress those memories, and Nurliana wouldn't allow such a thing.

The company might have survived Henry and I leaving, but not my sister's rage. Her rage would collapse the building. I chuckle at the thought. Henry got lucky to have crossed paths with the meeker sister. Nurliana would have kissed that handsome face and punched it immediately after.

I stand outside her door, waiting for her to open. I've been traveling all day and awaiting a slice of the pizza she assured she would buy.

She pulls the door open. The first thing I notice is that her hair is cropped short and dyed dark blue.

"I like the hair color. It brings out your eyes."

She frowns. "My eyes are brown."

"Yeah, it's like your hair's the sea and your eyes are the mud below the waves."

She scowls and pulls me into the house. I chuckle as I b-line for the kitchen.

"Hey! What happened to the pizza?" I demand as I stare at the empty small box.

"I got hungry but I left you the crust!"

"Fuck you, Nurliana!"

She has the last laugh.

— —

I sleep over at my sister's place. Whenever she asks me a question about my life, I kept things vague. She doesn't suspect a thing because my life has always been quiet.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. I went to this bar with my girlfriends and one of their brothers. The guy is cute. He's apparently from your city. I think you should hit him up."

I shrug. "I think I can manage on my own. Thanks sis."

"You'd manage the life of a seamstress, maybe." She rolls her eyes. "Text the guy! Go on a date. Live a little. How is it that you have been in California for months and can't mention any friends you've made?"

I can't mention Grace or Henry or my dozen other secrets. It's better if she thinks I'm failing socially.

"I'll text him. Send me the info."

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