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SUMMER WAS GOING BY RATHER QUICKLY, and it wasn't long until Cassie found herself saying goodbye to Francesca and her siblings for the rest of the summer

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SUMMER WAS GOING BY RATHER QUICKLY, and it wasn't long until Cassie found herself saying goodbye to Francesca and her siblings for the rest of the summer. The Quidditch World Cup was in a week, but Dahlia had asked for them to all go over hers for the full week leading up to it, and it took a lot of nagging and convincing, but Francesca finally gave in.

"Are you sure you have everyth— Oh, I am going to miss you, Cassiopeia!" Francesca wrapped her arms around Cassie, tears springing to her eyes. She was so proud of the young woman her daughter was turning into, she went from this bubbly toddler, to quiet and shy tween, and to an outgoing teenager.

Cassie had been through a lot in her life, and she still came out on top, she was brave, and she was strong.

Cassie chuckled, "I'm only going to be gone for a week and a half, Mum!" She exclaimed, pulling out of the hug as she felt Forrest wrap his arms around her. "I'll be back before you know it. . . It's not like you're never going to see me again."

Francesca sighed, and wiped her eyes. "You're right," she said, "I'll see you at the World Cup, okay, sweet pea?"

Hearing those words, Cassie froze. She looked at her mother. "What?" She said, her voice wavering. Her face had paled slightly, and if she hadn't been able to control her metamorphmagus abilities, her hair would've gone a light grey due to worry.

"I'll see you at the World Cup," Fran repeated, cupping her daughter's face. "What's wrong?"

Cassie looked away; She couldn't tell her mum, Dumbledore warned her. He told her that she couldn't tell anyone what their fate was.

"I don't think you should come, Mum," Cassie said, shaking her head slightly. "Someone has to look after Forrest. Aurora and Callie are going with the Weasley's, and Rowan is going with. . . Uh, the Lovegood's, I think."

Fran smiled sweetly, "He isn't going to be alone, Cass," she told her daughter, "He's coming with me! Anyway, go say goodbye to your sisters and Rowan, and then come back so I can say goodbye one more time."

So, Cassie went and said her goodbye's to Callie, who was slightly annoyed that her twin sister was ditching Harry for her friends, but she understood why. Callie just really wanted Cassie and Harry to get together already.

She said goodbye to Rowan, who didn't seem to care that much. He told her he was going to be staying in her bedroom because her bed is comfier.

And then, she said goodbye to Aurora, who was overly emotional about the whole situation. "I'm going to miss you, Cassie," she said, "Have fun, and enjoy, okay? I'll see you there."

Cassie nodded and went back into the living room where Forrest gave her one last hug, before Francesca turned to her. "I love you, Cassiopeia Dorcas Smith. I'm going to miss you so much!"

"Chill out, Mum," Cassie muttered, "You've seen me off to Hogwarts, where I stayed for a year! This is nothing compared to that."

Fran frowned, "But — But you're just growing up, and I hate watching you grow up." She muttered, "I just want all of my kids to be babies again."

Cassie sighed, gave her mother a hug, and then Dahlia appeared in their fireplace. "Cassie!" She exclaimed, pulling the girl into a hug. "Hi, Mrs. Smith, it's so nice to meet you!"

Francesca smiled, "It's nice to meet you, too. You're Dahlia, right?"

Dahlia grinned and nodded, "Yeah," she said. "You ready to go, Cass?"

Cassie nodded, looking at Fran, "Take care of Millie; If I come home and she's dead, I will kill you. Bye Mum, I love you!"

And with that, she disappeared out of sight.

As Cassie landed in the Morgan household, she couldn't help but look around in wonder. Everything seemed so posh, and well-looked after. Megan was already there, and she was sat with a copy of Romeo and Juliet in her hands, her eyes scanning every page.

"Cassie!" She yelled, jumping up and throwing her arms around the small blonde. Hearing this, Hannah and Susan rushed into the living room, a mug in their hands. "Oh, it feels like it's been forever! How has your summer been so far?"

Cassie frowned, "Not the best," she answered honestly, "But it's gotten better since, so it's all good now!"

"What did your mum do about Azalea in the end?" Hannah asked, her dark curly hair sitting at her shoulders. "Surely she must've done something."

"She, uh. . . She kicked her out," Cassie answered, "My mum and dad got into a huge fight because of it. He didn't agree with what Mum's choices were, because at the end of the day, Azalea is still her daugh— Was still her daughter, she's been disowned."

"Fuck off!" Susan said, eyes wide. "Your mum actually disowned her?"

Cassie nodded, "Yep," she said sadly, "I'm glad she's gone and out of my sight, but it still hurts knowing I have a sister out there who would prefer to be disowned than be apart of our family."

Dahlia sighed, "I doubt she'd prefer to be disowned, Cass." She muttered, "Do you have any idea where she's gone now?"

"Trust me, she prefers to be disowned," Cassie replied, "She went to her boyfriend — One of the Slytherin's, I forgot which one. . . I think it's Pucey?"

"Oh, Merlin," Megan said, "I feel sorry for him, he has to put up with her."

"Come on," Dahlia said, "Let's take your things upstairs and I can show you around since it's your first time coming here. From what my parents have heard, they absolutely adore you. Also, they prefer it if you call them Daphne and Winnie."

"Noted," Cassie nodded, making a mental note to remember her parents' names. "Oh, this is so cute! How old were you in this?"

Dahlia's face went red. The picture she usually hid from everyone was out on display; She forgot all about it. "Five," she muttered, turning the picture over so it wasn't visible anymore.

As they continued walking, Cassie reached behind her and lifted it up. Hannah and Susan led Cassie into Dahlia's bedroom while Dahlia and Megan went to prepare food.

For a bedroom that only had one person in it, it was absolutely huge. Cassie's jaw dropped, "Woah."

A/N: WELCOME BACK GUYS!!!! Honestly I hate writing the very first chapters but I knew this book needed a new chapter to come out so here it is.

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